Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/ Uy Tín, Chất Lượng, Dịch V?Tận Tâm Mon, 11 Dec 2023 02:59:41 +0000 vi hourly 1 //wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 //hao0317.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-icon-logo-nha-khoa-trong-rang-sai-gon-32x32.png Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/ 32 32 Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/nha-khoa-trong-rang-sai-gon-chuyen-giao-cong-nghe-smart-laser/ Fri, 08 Dec 2023 09:17:08 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18840 Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn đã t?chức l?ký kết chuyển giao công ngh?Smart Laser t?Tập đoàn Pioon với mục tiêu hiện đại hóa công ngh?nha khoa đem đến cho khách hàng trải nghiệm dịch v?nha khoa chất lượng cao với 4 tiêu chí: Hiệu qu?nhanh – An...

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn Chuyển giao Công ngh?Smart Laser t?Tập đoàn Pioon on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn đã t?chức l?ký kết chuyển giao công ngh?Smart Laser t?Tập đoàn Pioon với mục tiêu hiện đại hóa công ngh?nha khoa đem đến cho khách hàng trải nghiệm dịch v?nha khoa chất lượng cao với 4 tiêu chí: Hiệu qu?nhanh – An toàn tuyệt đối – Xâm lấn tối thiểu – Thẩm m?tối đa.

l?ký kết chuyển giao laser nha khoa

Tham d?l?ký kết, v?phía Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn có Bác sĩ CKI- Giám đốc điều hành Nha khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn – Bà Nguyễn Huỳnh Trân, cùng đội ngũ bác sĩ, chuyên gia đang công tác tại phòng khám. V?phía đối tác, có s?tham d?của Giám đốc công ty Giải pháp Nha khoa Sota-D – Ông Phan Khánh Trí và  Bác sĩ CKI. Võ Th?Dzũ – Bác sĩ Tiểu Phẫu, Implant.

chuyển giao công ngh?laser nha khoa
Bác sĩ, Giám đốc điều hành – Bà Nguyễn Huỳnh Trân và Giám đốc đối tác Ông Phan Khánh Trí trong buổi l?/figcaption>

Phát biểu tại buổi l? Bác sĩ CKI Nguyễn Huỳnh Trân chia s? ?em>Chúng tôi mong muốn, khách hàng tin tưởng và lựa chọn Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn s?được trải nghiệm dịch v?nha khoa chất lượng cao với công ngh?hiện đại nhất, rút ngắn thời gian điều tr?và đặc biệt xóa b?những rào cản tâm lý s?đau với trải nghiệm nh?nhàng, thoải mái t?công ngh?Smart Laser xu hướng xâm lấn tối thiểu, không đau, không chảy máu này.”

Được xem là bước đột phá trong lĩnh vực nha khoa, Công ngh?Smart Laser t?máy Blue Laser S3 dẫn đầu trong laser nha khoa điều tr?mô mềm theo xu hướng xâm lấn tối thiểu với những tính năng nổi trội và hiệu qu?trong các điều tr?sau:

  • Trồng răng Implant: H?tr?phẫu thuật không chảy máu, không đau ê, kích thích sinh học quá trình lành thương nhanh nhanh chóng.
  • Tẩy trắng răng không gây ê buốt, tẩy trắng răng nhanh ch?trong 4 phút (hiệu qu?nhanh gấp 9 lần so với tẩy trắng truyền thống 45 phút)
  • Điều tr?cười h?lợi kết hợp làm hồng nướu răng
  • Phẫu thuật loại b?túi nha chu bằng bước sóng đ?650nm ứng dụng giảm đau giảm viêm kh?khuẩn lên đến 99%.

CKI. Võ Th?Dzũ – Bác sĩ Tiểu Phẩu, Implant t?Sota-D chia s?” Blue Laser 3S với 3 bước sóng ứng dụng mọi lĩnh vực điều tr?nha khoa như phẫu thuật trong miệng và hàm mặt; nha khoa thẩm m? điều tr?tủy răng, điều tr?nha chu,… Đặc biệt, công ngh?SmartLaser này mang lại trải nghiệm nha khoa k?thuật s?chất lượng cao, khách hàng s?không còn cảm giác khó chịu hay chảy máu sau phẫu thuật, không b?ê buốt răng sau khi tẩy trắng răng và đặc biệt là hiệu qu?nhanh chóng so với các phương pháp nha khoa truyền thống.”

chuyển giao công ngh?laser nha khoa
Đại diện đối tác chia s?v?công ngh?Smart Laser

Tại buổi l? phía Công ty Giải pháp Nha khoa Sota-D và đội ngũ Bác sĩ, chuyên viên tại Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn đã có buổi workshop ứng dụng laser trong điều tr?nha khoa. Dưới đây là một s?hình ảnh ấn tượng tại buổi l?

đội ngũ bác sĩ nha khoa
bác sĩ nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
buổi workshop công ngh?smart laser
buổi workshop công ngh?smart laser
buổi workshop công ngh?smart laser
buổi workshop công ngh?smart laser
buổi workshop công ngh?smart laser
buổi workshop công ngh?smart laser

Với nguồn lực chuyên môn giỏi, cơ s?vật chất hiện đại, và gi?đây, s?ứng dụng công ngh?Smart Laser mới này, t?nay, quý khách hàng có th?trải nghiệm công ngh?Laser nha khoa thông minh và hiện đại nhất th?giới tại Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn Chuyển giao Công ngh?Smart Laser t?Tập đoàn Pioon on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/uu-diem-trong-viec-dieu-tri-u-hat-mieng-granulomas-bang-laser/ Fri, 08 Dec 2023 08:24:29 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18841 U hạt là một khối u lành tính, có mạch máu, thường thấy trong niêm mạc miệng, thường là một khối u phát triển quá mức do kích thích cục b? Phương pháp phẫu thuật là phương pháp điều tr?ph?biến và hiệu qu?nhất. Nha sĩ s?s?dụng công c?phẫu thuật...

Ưu điểm trong việc điều tr?u hạt miệng (Granulomas) bằng Laser on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

U hạt là một khối u lành tính, có mạch máu, thường thấy trong niêm mạc miệng, thường là một khối u phát triển quá mức do kích thích cục b? Phương pháp phẫu thuật là phương pháp điều tr?ph?biến và hiệu qu?nhất. Nha sĩ s?s?dụng công c?phẫu thuật đ?loại b?hoàn toàn u hạt. Phẫu thuật thường được thực hiện thông qua việc gây tê toàn b? bệnh nhân có th?cần một khoảng thời gian đ?hồi phục sau phẫu thuật. Việc cắt b?phẫu thuật đảm bảo loại b?hoàn toàn khối u và giảm kh?năng tái phát.

H?tr?điều tr?bằng laser là một phương pháp điều tr?tương đối mới với nguyên lý s?dụng ánh sáng laser thay vì bằng dao phẫu thuật truyền thống đ?loại b?u hạt. Phương pháp này có những ưu điểm sau:

  • Điều tr?không tiếp xúc: Phương pháp điều tr?u hạt miệng bằng Laser giảm s?lo sợ?và rủi ro nhiễm trùng có th?xảy ra khi tiếp xúc với dao phẫu thuật truyền thống.
  • Gây tê cục b?ít hơn: Bởi vì điều tr?bằng laser thường không đau hoặc ch?gây một ít khó chịu, bệnh nhân có th?ch?cần gây tê cục b?ít hơn thông thường, hạn ch?việc s?dụng thuốc tê so với phẫu thuật truyền thống.
  • Cắt chính xác: Laser có kh?năng cắt u hạt với đ?chính xác cao, mang lại s?kiểm soát lớn hơn cho quá trình điều tr?và giúp giảm thiểu tổn thương cho mô xung quanh bình thường.
  • Giảm thiểu thất thoát máu: Laser không ch?cắt mô mà còn đông cứng các mạch máu, giúp giảm nguy cơ chảy máu trong quá trình phẫu thuật và làm cho th?thuật an toàn hơn.
  • Tác động nh?nhàng trong cục b? Laser tạo ra ít nhiệt đ?trong quá trình điều tr? giảm tổn thương nhiệt đ?cho các mô xung quanh và giúp hồi phục nhanh chóng hơn.
  • Ít đau, khó chịu: Phương pháp điều tr?bằng laser thường ít gây đau đớn và khó chịu sau phẫu thuật, giúp cải thiện s?thoải mái của bệnh nhân sau phẫu thuật.
  • Hồi phục nhanh chóng: Do điều tr?bằng laser gây ít tổn thương hơn, quá trình lành sau phẫu thuật thường nhanh chóng và bệnh nhân có th?tr?lại cuộc sống bình thường nhanh chóng hơn.
  • Hạn ch? loại tr?khâu ch? Do điều tr?bằng laser thường không đòi hỏi đường chỉnh phức tạp, bệnh nhân có th?tránh được s?không thoải mái t?vết sẹo và chỉnh.

Ứng dụng Laser trong điều tr?nha khoa

Ánh sáng laser đã tr?thành một công ngh?quan trọng trong lĩnh vực nha khoa, với nhiều ứng dụng hữu ích trong việc điều tr?và chăm sóc răng miệng. Dưới đây là một s?ứng dụng chính của laser trong lĩnh vực nha khoa:

Điều tr?l?răng

  • Loại b?mảng bám: Laser có th?được s?dụng đ?loại b?mảng bám và mảng vi sinh vật trong l?răng mà không làm tổn thương mô nền xung quanh.
  • Điều tr?răng sâu: Ánh sáng laser có th?được s?dụng đ?loại b?sâu răng mà không cần đến b?khoan truyền thống.

Chỉnh hình nướu, u hạt

  • Nâng cao hình dạng nướu: Laser có th?giúp chỉnh hình nướu một cách chính xác và ít đau đớn hơn so với các phương pháp truyền thống.
  • Loại b?mô nướu dư thừa: S?dụng laser đ?loại b?mô nướu dư thừa, chẳng hạn như trong trường hợp nướu dư thừa gây khó chịu hoặc ảnh hưởng đến việc chải răng.

Phẫu thuật răng hàm mặt

  • Loại b?khối u: Laser được s?dụng đ?loại b?các khối u hay mảng u nhanh chóng và hiệu qu? đồng thời giảm nguy cơ nhiễm trùng và giảm đau sau phẫu thuật.

Điều tr?nướu viêm, nhiễm trùng

  • Tẩy t?bào nhiễm trùng: Ánh sáng laser có kh?năng diệt khuẩn và tẩy t?bào nhiễm trùng mà không gây tổn thương nhiều cho mô xung quanh.
  • Điều tr?viêm nướu: Laser giúp giảm viêm nướu và kích thích quá trình lành cho những vùng nướu b?tổn thương.

Chẩn đoán, x?lý sớm

  • Chẩn đoán sớm sốc điện t?(Diode Laser): S?dụng laser đ?kiểm tra s?thay đổi trong cấu trúc răng và nướu, giúp phát hiện sớm các vấn đ?nha khoa.

Làm trắng răng

  • Làm trắng răng bằng Laser: Kết hợp ánh sáng laser với chất làm trắng răng đ?tăng cường hiệu qu?của quá trình làm trắng.

S?dụng laser trong nha khoa mang lại nhiều lợi ích như ít đau, thời gian phục hồi nhanh và kh?năng kiểm soát cao cho các th?thuật. Tuy nhiên, việc áp dụng laser cũng đòi hỏi k?năng chuyên nghiệp và hiểu biết sâu rộng v?công ngh?t?phía các chuyên gia nha khoa.

Blue Laser S3 – Dẫn đầu trong laser nha khoa điều tr?mô mềm

Công ngh?SmartLaser với kh?năng tương thích Wi-fi, bluetooth cũng như đa dạng h?điều hành thông minh, S3 là giải pháp tối ưu triệt đ?với những kh?năng không giới hạn trong tương lai. Công ngh?SmartLaser mang đến một loạt các ưu điểm xuất sắc, giúp điều tr?xâm lấn tối thiểu và cải thiện trải nghiệm của bệnh nhân. Dưới đây là chi tiết v?5 ưu điểm chính của công ngh?này:

Phẫu thuật không chảy máu

SmartLaser s?dụng ánh sáng laser đ?thực hiện các th?thuật mà không gây ra chảy máu đáng k? Ánh sáng laser có kh?năng đông cứng các mạch máu ngay tại v?trí phẫu thuật, giảm nguy cơ chảy máu và tạo ra môi trường làm việc sạch s?

Cắt thẳng môi, thẳng lưỡi

Điểm mạnh lớn của SmartLaser là kh?năng cắt mô một cách chính xác và thẳng tắp. Điều này mang lại s?chính xác cao trong quá trình phẫu thuật, giảm nguy cơ tổn thương mô xung quanh và h?tr?quá trình điều tr?

Phẫu thuật tạo hình nướu, nha chu

SmartLaser được thiết k?đ?thực hiện các th?thuật tạo hình nướu và nha chu một cách hiệu qu? Điều này giúp nha sĩ có kh?năng điều chỉnh hình dạng nướu và nha chu một cách chính xác, đáp ứng nhanh chóng các yêu cầu thẩm m?của bệnh nhân.

Tẩy trắng răng nhanh, không ê buốt

Trong quá trình tẩy trắng răng, SmartLaser s?dụng ánh sáng laser đ?kích thích chất làm trắng, giúp tăng cường hiệu suất mà không gây ra cảm giác ê buốt khó chịu cho bệnh nhân. Điều này làm cho quá trình tẩy trắng tr?nên thoải mái và hiệu qu?hơn.

Làm hồng nướu, giảm thâm môi

SmartLaser có kh?năng kích thích quá trình tái tạo mô, giúp làm hồng nướu và giảm thâm môi. Điều này không ch?mang lại hiệu qu?thẩm m?mà còn giúp cải thiện sức khỏe của nướu và môi, tạo nên một n?cười toàn diện.

Tóm lại, công ngh?SmartLaser không ch?giúp nâng cao chất lượng phẫu thuật mà còn mang lại trải nghiệm thoải mái và hiệu qu?cho bệnh nhân, đồng thời giảm thiểu xâm lấn và thời gian hồi phục sau mỗi quá trình điều tr?

Câu hỏi thường gặp

  • Quá trình điều tr?bằng laser là gì, nguyên lý hoạt động như th?nào?

Thông thường, laser được s?dụng đ?cắt, đông cứng và thậm chí làm hồng mô mềm. Ánh sáng laser được chuyển đến mô cần điều tr? thực hiện các chức năng c?th?dựa trên mục tiêu của quá trình.

  • Điều tr?bằng laser có an toàn không?

Công ngh?laser thường được coi là an toàn khi được thực hiện bởi các bác sĩ chuyên nghiệp. Đối với nhiều bệnh nhân, điều tr?bằng laser ít gây đau đớn hơn so với các phương pháp truyền thống.

  • Thời gian hồi phục sau điều tr?mô mềm bằng laser là bao lâu?

Thời gian hồi phục thường ngắn hơn so với các phương pháp truyền thống. Đa s?bệnh nhân có th?tr?lại hoạt động bình thường một cách nhanh chóng.

  • Có nguy cơ nhiễm trùng hoặc biến chứng không sau khi s?dụng laser?

Nếu thực hiện đúng cách, công ngh?laser s?giảm nguy cơ nhiễm trùng và biến chứng.

  • Có th?mong đợi gì v?hiệu qu?thẩm m?sau quá trình điều tr?

Laser thường mang lại kết qu?thẩm m?tốt hơn và ít tổn thương hơn so với các phương pháp truyền thống, giúp cải thiện n?cười và vùng mô mềm liên quan.

Ưu điểm trong việc điều tr?u hạt miệng (Granulomas) bằng Laser on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/how-much-does-braces-cost/ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 08:29:22 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18206 Before deciding to get braces as an adult, many people wonder how much does braces cost for someone aged 20-30? How long does it take? The following article provides a complete breakdown of the specific costs for each method and the duration of braces for each case. How much does braces cost for someone aged...

How much does braces cost for someone aged 20-30? on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.


Tư vấn chuyên môn bài viết

Bác sĩ Răng Hàm Mặt CKI Trần Th?M?Nga

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn

Before deciding to get braces as an adult, many people wonder how much does braces cost for someone aged 20-30? How long does it take? The following article provides a complete breakdown of the specific costs for each method and the duration of braces for each case.

How much does braces cost for someone aged 20-30?

When you were young, your parents may not have given you braces early on, or you may just now realize the importance of having straight, properly aligned teeth. You can absolutely get braces as an adult.

There is no age limit for getting braces. Orthodontic treatment can be performed as long as the teeth and jawbone are in good condition. Therefore, adults can get braces whenever they want.

Factors influencing the cost of braces in adulthood

How much does braces cost? In reality, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the cost of braces. The specific cost of braces will depend on the following factors.

Condition of the teeth

The complexity of the orthodontic case will determine up to 40% of the cost of braces. Severe misalignments in the jaw frame, multiple dental irregularities, require more complex treatment steps compared to minor misalignments. Advanced orthodontic techniques demand higher expertise, leading to increased material depreciation and overall higher costs.

Braces method

The cost of braces will depend on the braces method you choose. The price difference between different braces methods lies in the materials, appliances, and the aesthetic features they offer.

20-30 tuổi niềng răng bao nhiêu tiền? Thời gian bao lâu?
The cost of braces depends on the braces method.

Ceramic braces, made from ceramic alloy and some inorganic materials, along with transparent aligners made from FDA-approved polyurethane plastic, provide high aesthetic appeal. The material costs for these two methods are higher than metal braces. Therefore, the cost of orthodontic treatment using these two methods will be higher compared to the cost of traditional metal braces.

Additional treatment costs outside the braces package

Having completely healthy teeth, effectively managing impacted teeth or misaligned wisdom teeth facilitates easy tooth movement and proper progression. These services are not included in the braces package cost. The amount can vary based on the individual’s level of oral health. Therefore, to determine the total cost of braces, it is necessary to consider additional treatment costs for orthodontic adjustments.

Being aware of the cost of braces is essential. Additionally, it’s important to inquire about associated treatments such as tooth extractions, use of screws, orthodontic appliances, inclined plane, etc. These costs may be included in the comprehensive braces package or may be charged as additional fees depending on the dental clinic.

How much do braces cost?

Icon mũi tênThe accurate answer to the question “How much does braces cost for individuals aged 20-30” can be determined through the following formula:

The total cost of one orthodontic case = Braces cost + Tooth extraction cost + Oral health treatment cost (if applicable)

If you have a mild misalignment (Level 1) without the need for tooth extraction and opt for traditional metal braces, according to the current orthodontic price list, the braces cost is approximately 16,000,000 VND. This is a comprehensive fee that includes appliance costs, reexamination fees, treatment, maintenance fees, and has already applied a 50% discount.

A tip on how to get braces while maximizing cost savings

If you fall into the category of average income or are a financially conscious student, you might be wondering about the cost of braces. You can still afford braces by considering one of the following options.

Choose the time when dental clinics offer promotions for braces

Orthodontic services with advanced techniques fall into the premium price segment. Choosing the time when dental clinics offer a 50% discount on braces is the best way to save money. Realize your desire for braces at only 50% of the original cost, while maintaining the same quality of service and lifelong results.

Braces installment plan

To alleviate the pressure of paying the full cost of braces upfront, you can opt for a braces installment plan. Trồng Răng Sài Gòn Dental Clinic offers an impressive installment plan, aiming to provide practical benefits for customers, including:

0% interest rate Partnerships with 25 banks nationwide for convenient installment payments Flexible payment schedules during the braces treatment. From 6 to 12 months for payments via bank cards. From 12 to 24 months for direct payments at the dental clinic. No need for proof of income, no collateral required, quick and simple procedures.

how much does braces cost
Braces installment procedures

So, if choosing the installment option, how much is the monthly cost for braces? For each braces method, the specific installment fees are as follows:

  • Metal braces: 933,000 VND/month. Customers only need to pay an upfront amount of 4,300,000 VND.
  • Ceramic braces: 1,500,000 VND/month. Customers will pay an upfront amount of 7,800,000 VND.

Choosing a reputable and specialized orthodontic address

The cost of braces also depends on the orthodontic clinic you choose. Specialized orthodontic clinics have the advantage of investing extensively in orthodontic services. They often partner with major suppliers, allowing for good discounts, resulting in reasonable braces prices. Additionally, some dental clinics do not charge doctor fees, helping you save a significant amount.

Note: Being informed about the cost of braces is essential for budget planning. However, achieving successful orthodontic results from the first attempt should be your primary goal. Therefore, prioritize choosing a reputable orthodontic address to ensure safety and long-term effectiveness.

Icon mũi tênXEM THÊM: Review Top 15+ Nha khoa Niềng Răng Uy tín hàng đầu tại TP.HCM

Currently, many specialized orthodontic centers in Ho Chi Minh City openly disclose their braces price list. You can visit their websites to get a preliminary idea of the costs. This way, you can have an estimate of how much braces cost and plan your orthodontic budget accordingly.

How long does adult orthodontic treatment take?

Dr. Tran Thi My Nga at Saigon Dental Implant shares: ‘According to the American Dental Association (ADA), the ideal time for orthodontic treatment for children is between the ages of 7 and 13. Aligning teeth during the growth phase of a child is faster and more effective. However, orthodontic treatment is still possible in adulthood. As the jawbone has developed fully during this stage, the orthodontic process may take longer compared to childhood.’

20-30 tuổi niềng răng bao nhiêu tiền? Thời gian bao lâu?

The mechanism of the orthodontic process utilizes the mechanical force of orthodontic appliances to shift misaligned teeth to their desired positions. In adults, the jawbone is fully developed and rigid. Additionally, the tooth movement capacity of the jawbone is approximately 0.1 – 0.3mm per month.

Therefore, orthodontic treatment in adulthood takes longer compared to childhood. It is estimated to take an average of around 24 months to align teeth properly. Additionally, about 6 months may be needed for retention devices to help stabilize the teeth.

how much does braces cost
rthodontic treatment for cases of crooked teeth

Orthodontic treatment with an appropriate method can show noticeable results in around 5 months of braces. Depending on the specific case and the orthodontic method, the duration of orthodontic treatment may vary by approximately 3 to 6 months. However, if you want to reduce the number of appointments and expedite the braces process, you can:

  • Choose traditional metal/ceramic braces with self-ligating brackets: Smart design with fixed archwires in the bracket slots creates more even and stable force for better alignment compared to conventional braces.
  • Opt for Invisalign clear aligners: Custom-designed aligner trays for each jaw model, featuring 3-IN-1 functionality: Smart Stage, Smart Track, and Smart Force with force-generating attachments to shift teeth an average of around 0.25mm.
how much does braces cost
Overbite braces

The duration or cost of braces is not as important as the awareness of the need to improve your smile and boost your confidence by getting braces early. To find out how long braces will take for your individual case, you can visit Saigon Dental Implant directly for a free consultation with their orthodontic experts.

Icon mũi tênTư vấn niềng răng online miễn phí với chuyên gia chỉnh nha

Above are detailed answers and analyses for the question of how much braces cost. I hope the valuable information about the cost of braces for adults will help you feel more confident in making decisions about orthodontic treatment. For prioritized appointments or additional consultations, please contact the Hotline: +84 986.43.82.86 for dedicated support!

How much does braces cost for someone aged 20-30? on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/rang-su-zirconia-co-tot-khong-co-bao-nhieu-loai/ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 08:10:57 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18194 Răng s?Zirconia là một loại răng s?toàn b?được tạo ra t?chất liệu Zirconia. Được biết đến với những đặc tính nổi bật như đ?bền cao, kh?năng chịu lực tốt, và kh?năng chống mài mòn trong môi trường có tính axit cao như miệng. Không ch?vậy, răng s?..

Răng s?Zirconia có tốt không? Có bao nhiêu loại? on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Răng s?Zirconia là một loại răng s?toàn b?được tạo ra t?chất liệu Zirconia. Được biết đến với những đặc tính nổi bật như đ?bền cao, kh?năng chịu lực tốt, và kh?năng chống mài mòn trong môi trường có tính axit cao như miệng. Không ch?vậy, răng s?Zirconia còn được ch?tạo đ?có màu trắng t?nhiên, tạo nên một hiệu ứng thẩm m?cao. Loại răng s?này có nguồn gốc t?Đức.

Điều đặc biệt khác của răng s?Zirconia là tính tương hợp sinh học cao, không gây ra bất k?biến chứng hay tác dụng ph?nào đối với cơ th?

Răng s?Zirconia có bao nhiêu loại?

Răng s?Zirconia đa dạng với nhiều loại khác nhau, nhưng tất c?đều được sản xuất t?nước Đức. Dưới đây là một s?loại ph?biến:

  • Răng s?Zirconia Cercon
  • Răng s?Emax Zir CAD
  • Răng s?Zirconia Venus
  • Răng s?Katana
  • Răng s?Zirconia DDBIO

Nha khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn hiện đang ưu dụng loại răng s?Zirconia DDBIO. Được nhiều bác sĩ khuyên dùng, dòng sản phẩm này được đánh giá cao v?chất lượng, được coi là tốt nhất hiện nay.

bọc răng s?/figcaption>

Làm sao đ?nhận biết răng s?Zirconia

Mặc dù răng s?gi?có th?có tinh xảo cao và trông giống như răng thật, nhưng chất lượng và đ?an toàn của chúng không được đảm bảo. Đ?giảm thiểu rủi ro đối với sức khỏe răng miệng, việc phân biệt giữa răng s?gi?và răng s?chính hãng là quan trọng. Dưới đây là những cách nhận biết răng s?Zirconia chính hãng:

  • Màu sắc và bóng loáng: Răng s?Zirconia chính hãng có màu sắc, đ?trong bóng, và vân m?giống hệt như răng thật, không tr?nên đổi màu theo thời gian.
  • Đ?bền cao: Răng s?Zirconia chính hãng có đ?bền gấp 7-8 lần so với răng gốc. Bạn có th?ăn nhai thoải mái mà không lo lắng v?kh?năng gãy v?
  • Giá c?cao: Răng s?Zirconia Đức chính hãng thường có giá cao hơn so với các loại răng s?khác.
  • Chính sách bảo hành dài hạn: Răng s?Zirconia chính hãng thường có chính sách bảo hành kéo dài đến 15 năm. Bạn s?được cấp th?bảo hành chính hãng với một mã code riêng, giúp d?dàng kiểm tra nguồn gốc sản xuất trên trang web của hãng.
  • Xuất x?t?Đức: Các dòng răng s?Zirconia kém chất lượng thường có xuất x?t?Trung Quốc. Chúng có giá thấp, không được bảo hành chính hãng, và thường mất màu nhanh chóng. Đ?bền của chúng cũng không cao, d?b?m?v?trong quá trình ăn nhai hàng ngày.

Bảng màu của răng s?Zirconia

Trong lĩnh vực nha khoa, việc lựa chọn màu sắc của răng có th?được thực hiện thông qua nhiều loại bảng màu khác nhau, với mỗi bảng màu răng s?Zirconia Vita mang đặc trưng và hình thức chọn lọc riêng biệt.

Bảng màu răng s?Zirconia Vita Classic

Bảng màu Vita Classic, được ưa chuộng và s?dụng nhiều tại các nha khoa uy tín như Nha khoa I-DENT, chia màu sắc răng thành 4 nhóm:

  • Nhóm A: Màu có sắc t?nâu đ?
  • Nhóm B: Màu có sắc t?vàng đ?
  • Nhóm C: Màu có sắc t?xám.
  • Nhóm D: Màu có sắc t?xám đ?

Nhìn vào bảng Vita Classical, mỗi nhóm nh?có màu cùng tone và đ?bão hòa tăng dần. Dựa vào màu sắc răng nguyên bản và màu da, khách hàng có th?được tư vấn chọn màu răng s?Zirconia phù hợp.

Bảng màu răng s?Vita 3D Master

Bảng màu Vita 3D Master là một nâng cấp t?Vita Classic, với những ưu điểm như:

  • Phân loại màu theo cấp đ?khoa học hơn, chi tiết hơn v?sắc thái.
  • Cung cấp thông tin chi tiết v?đo màu răng dựa trên đ?sáng và tối.
  • Đa dạng và phong phú hơn, tạo nhiều s?lựa chọn cho khách hàng.
  • Đánh dấu mức đ?màu sáng-tối theo con s?t?0 đến 5 (0 là màu sáng nhất, 5 là màu tối nhất).
  • Bao gồm b?ba tông màu: R (ánh đ?, M (tiêu chuẩn), và L (ánh vàng).
  • Mỗi tông màu được chia thành 2-3 biến th?màu sắc khác nhau dựa trên đ?bão hòa.

Top 15 địa ch?gắn răng s?đẹp, tốt và uy tín TPHCM

Bọc răng s?sau khi lấy tủy ?Chi phí và quy trình

Thay Răng S?bao nhiêu tiền 1 răng?

Răng s?b?đau nhức là do đâu? Cách giảm đau nhức răng tại nhà

Bọc s?Zirconia tốt không?

Răng s?Zirconia, khác biệt với các dòng răng s?kim loại với nhiều nhược điểm, đặt biệt nổi bật với những ưu điểm sau:

  • An Toàn và Lành Tính: Răng s?Zirconia được cấu tạo t?phôi s?nguyên chất, đảm bảo an toàn và không gây d?ứng với cơ th?người s?dụng.
  • Đ?Bền Cao: Ch?tác t?s?nguyên khối, răng s?Zirconia có đ?bền, đ?cứng và kh?năng chịu lực cao, lên đến 900 MPa, giúp đảm bảo kh?năng ăn nhai thoải mái như răng thật.
  • Màu Trắng T?Nhiên: Răng s?Zirconia có màu trắng t?nhiên, tạo ra hiệu qu?thẩm m?cao. Không có khung bên trong làm bằng kim loại, ngăn chặn hiện tượng đen viền nướu sau thời gian s?dụng.
  • Tuổi Th?Cao: Tuổi th?s?dụng của răng s?Zirconia có th?lên đến 20 năm nếu thực hiện k?thuật bọc răng s?đúng cách và duy trì chăm sóc răng miệng đều đặn.
  • Tương Thích Sinh Học: Răng s?Zirconia có tính tương thích sinh học cao, không gây ra các tác dụng ph?đối với cơ th? đảm bảo an toàn cho người s?dụng trong quá trình s?dụng.
Giá 3.500.000 VNĐ/Răng
Xuất x?/td> Đức
Bảo hành 10 năm

Một s?lưu ý khi bọc răng s?Zirconia

Đ?quyết định bọc răng s? việc lựa chọn một địa ch?nha khoa uy tín và chất lượng là rất quan trọng. Đây là một s?thông tin cần lưu ý:

  • Chọn nha khoa uy tín: Chọn một nha khoa có uy tín và đội ngũ bác sĩ lành ngh?trong lĩnh vực bọc răng s? K?thuật mài nh?răng thật là quan trọng, và nếu không đạt chuẩn, có th?ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng của c?răng s?lẫn răng thật.
  • Kiểm tra tổng quát: Khi đến nha khoa uy tín, bạn s?được thăm khám tổng quát đ?xác định chính xác tình trạng răng miệng. Điều này là cơ s?đ?đưa ra phác đ?điều tr?phù hợp và đạt hiệu qu?tốt nhất.
  • Chăm sóc răng sau khi bọc s? Răng thật sau khi bọc s?s?yếu hơn do quá trình mài nh? Đ?đảm bảo tuổi th?của răng s? hạn ch?ăn thực phẩm quá cứng hoặc quá dai. Tránh các nước uống đậm màu như trà, cà phê, coca đ?gi?cho răng s?luôn trắng sáng. Tăng cường ăn các thực phẩm giàu canxi như tôm, cua đ?củng c?sức khỏe của răng.
  • Thay đổi thói quen chăm sóc răng: Xây dựng thói quen chăm sóc răng s?hợp lý và tuân th?theo các hướng dẫn của bác sĩ. Nếu có bất k?dấu hiệu bất thường nào, hãy đến nha khoa ngay lập tức đ?bác sĩ kiểm tra và x?lý kịp thời.

3 cách x?lý nhanh chóng khi bọc răng s?b?rơi

15 lợi ích khi bọc răng s?zirconia toàn hàm

Làm lại cầu răng s?và top 5 điều cần lưu ý

Địa ch?bọc răng s?uy tín tại TPHCM

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn là đơn v?cung cấp một loạt dịch v?nha khoa đa dạng, đáp ứng đầy đ?nhu cầu của khách hàng. Ch?yếu tập trung vào các lĩnh vực như răng s?thẩm m? dụng c?chỉnh nha, tẩy trắng răng và cấy ghép implant. Đội ngũ bác sĩ tại đây đều có chuyên môn cao và được đào tạo bài bản.

Với cơ s?vật chất rộng rãi và được chia thành nhiều phòng chức năng khác nhau, Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn s?hữu các trang thiết b?hiện đại và máy móc tiên tiến. Điều này giúp rút ngắn thời gian chẩn đoán và điều tr? đồng thời đảm bảo chất lượng dịch v?cũng như mang lại s?hiệu qu?với chi phí bọc răng s?tốt nhất cho khách hàng.

bác sĩ răng hàm mặt

Đội ngũ bác sĩ tại đây không ch?có trình đ?chuyên môn cao mà còn có kh?năng x?lý nhanh chóng các tình huống phức tạp xuất hiện trong quá trình điều tr? đảm bảo an toàn cho sức khỏe của khách hàng.

Ngoài dịch v?bọc răng s? Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn còn cung cấp một loạt các dịch v?nha khoa khác như trám răng, điều tr?tủy, nh?răng, tẩy trắng răng, và cấy ghép implant. Tất c?các dịch v?này đều được thực hiện trong một môi trường vô trùng tuyệt đối, đảm bảo an toàn và hiệu qu?cho khách hàng.

Thông tin liên h?

Bài viết đã cung cấp thông tin chi tiết v?việc bọc răng s?và giải đáp câu hỏi v?đ?bền của chúng cũng như cách chăm sóc đ?bảo đảm tuổi th? Mong rằng những kiến thức này s?h?tr?bạn hiệu qu?trong việc tìm kiếm và lựa chọn một nha khoa chất lượng trong việc bọc răng s?

Răng s?Zirconia có tốt không? Có bao nhiêu loại? on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/the-dental-clinic-nearby-is-open/ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 07:51:03 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18197 Saigon Dental Implant, a leading dental clinic nearby, opens every day, including Sundays. They offer after-hours services without additional fees, making it convenient for dental check-ups and care after school or work hours. In addition, a transparent price list is provided to help patients proactively prepare for costs before visiting the dental clinic The dental...

The dental clinic nearby is open, and contact information is available on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.


Tư vấn chuyên môn bài viết

Riêng tư: Bác sĩ Răng Hàm Mặt Phan Hoàng Minh Tú

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn

Saigon Dental Implant, a leading dental clinic nearby, opens every day, including Sundays. They offer after-hours services without additional fees, making it convenient for dental check-ups and care after school or work hours. In addition, a transparent price list is provided to help patients proactively prepare for costs before visiting the dental clinic

The dental clinic nearby: Address and information

Saigon Implant Dental – a highly regarded dental clinic in terms of credibility and professionalism in the field of dentistry. It has consistently earned a strong dental brand through customer votes, ranking at the top of reputable dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City, licensed by the Department of Health.

The specialized clinic for Dentofacial Orthopedics – Sai Gon Implant Dentistry is located at the prominent address 470-472 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City. Situated in the city center, close to the Ly Thai To roundabout, customers can easily locate and commute using both personal and public transportation.

Nha khoa gần đây m?cửa làm việc
Saigon Dental Implant

Icon mũi tênContact information:

nha khoa gần đây m?cửa làm việc
The nearby dental clinic – A leading and reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City.

Working hours

The nearby dental clinic is open and operational every day of the week. Patient treatments are provided during regular working hours from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM, with Sunday hours extending from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The clinic also offers after-hours treatments to meet the needs of busy individuals outside regular office hours. Additionally, online dental consultations with renowned experts in dentofacial specialties are available at no cost.

Residents of Ho Chi Minh City can now easily locate a nearby dental clinic that operates every day, including after hours, facilitating dental visits beyond regular working hours. If you are looking for a dental clinic near me that operates outside regular office hours, you can contact Sai Gon Implant Dental.

Customers can proactively schedule appointments at their convenience through the PRIORITY APPOINTMENT booking channel via the hotline at +84.986 438 286 (available on Zalo, Viber).

Saigon Implant Dental

Dental Services

Sai Gon Implant Dental – the dental address for everyone, offers a comprehensive range of services from general dental check-ups to highly effective specialized treatments at an extremely reasonable cost. Providing customers with unparalleled experiences that are unique in Vietnam: gentle, safe, and pain-free dental procedures. Prominent services at the dental clinic include:

Dental Implantation

This is a focal service closely associated with the brand of Sai Gon Implant Dental. Pioneering in the successful application of painless dental implant solutions, providing immediate results for customers in Vietnam. Using materials imported from major countries such as the USA, the UK, Germany, France, with certified labels and long-term warranty policies. Dental implantation is a one-time procedure for a lifetime of use.

Before and after images of dental implantation

Dental implantation at Sai Gon Implant Dental is conducted by a team of experts with 20 years of experience, led by Dr. Cang Hong Thai, an honorary member of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). Dr. Thai specializes in handling challenging cases involving severe bone loss, nerve relocation, and customers with weakened health, who may have been turned away by other dental clinics. Each year, Dr. Thai successfully treats over 2000 customers for tooth loss, providing them with satisfying and aesthetic restorations.

Porcelain Veneers

Sai Gon Implant Dentistry offers a comprehensive range of premium porcelain veneers, the most popular choice today. With a variety of colors for customers to choose from, the cost starts at only 1.4 million VND. Customers can maintain a bright and beautiful smile for up to 20 years of use.

Porcelain veneers improve the color of yellowed teeth

Removable Dentures

This service falls within the mid to moderately priced range, suitable for a diverse range of customers. The acrylic base, made from premium materials, snugly fits the gums, and the dentures resemble natural teeth in color, providing stable support on the jaw.

After having removable dentures installed, 98% of customers experience comfortable chewing, addressing issues such as speech impediments, jaw alignment, and facial wrinkles. The face appears rejuvenated, creating a happier sensation, enabling individuals to enjoy eating according to their preferences without worrying about loose or slippery dentures.

Removable Dental Implantation

Teeth Whitening

Our exclusive dental clinic utilizes painless and non-toxic 4.0 teeth whitening technology, delivering a bright white smile, typically 3 shades lighter, in just 20-45 minutes of chairside whitening. Moreover, customers also receive FREE services such as consultation, X-rays, teeth cleaning, and complimentary at-home whitening trays and whitening gel from the dental clinic.

Teeth whitening


Sai Gon Implant Dentistry offers modern orthodontic solutions using 4.0 technology to shorten the duration of braces, providing customers with a gentle and safe orthodontic journey with lifelong results. The dental clinic is confident in having the best orthodontic pricing in the market. As one of the first dental clinics to implement a 0% interest installment payment plan for orthodontic treatment in Vietnam, Sai Gon Implant Dentistry aims to make orthodontic care more accessible to all.


Tooth Filling

The cosmetic tooth filling service at Sai Gon Implant Dentistry achieves a cosmetic and durable result of up to 98%. Customers who undergo tooth filling can confidently eat without worrying about any issues related to the filling coming loose.

kết qu?trám răng cửa b?m? width=
The result of the tooth filling is cracked.

Tooth Extraction

As part of general dental services, tooth extraction at Sai Gon Implant Dentistry is performed using advanced technology – tooth extraction with the Piezotome ultrasonic machine, highly praised by customers for its gentle, swift, and precise tooth extraction. Importantly, it is painless and minimally uncomfortable during the extraction process. 100% of customers who undergo tooth extraction here acknowledge their satisfaction, alleviating any previous fears or anxieties associated with dental procedures.

Hình ảnh nh?răng khôn mọc lệch
Wisdom tooth

Root Canal Treatment

Our dental clinic provides thorough root canal treatment, preserving natural teeth to the maximum extent for customers. The root canal procedure is gentle, cleaning damaged tissues, and ensuring a safe and closed treatment process following health department standards. Customers can leave immediately after root canal treatment without the need to stay for recovery at the dental clinic

Root Canal Treatment

Scaling and Polishing

Our deep cleaning scaling and polishing service provides bright and beautiful teeth using ultrasonic scaling technology. The process is gentle, taking only 15-20 minutes per session. It is completely painless and does not harm the tooth enamel. The cost of scaling and polishing is extremely affordable, allowing customers to confidently choose this service for regular cleaning every six months

Tooth Contouring

Icon mũi tênIn addition, the dental clinic also provides various other quality dental services. Customers can find detailed information about services and prices here.

icon hotPrice listicon hot

Sai Gon Implant Dental brings together a team of dentists with over 20 years of experience in the field, known for their excellence. Serving not only customers in Ho Chi Minh City but also drawing clients from neighboring provinces, some traveling hundreds of kilometers for treatment here.

To schedule a consultation or take advantage of special offers at the dental clinic, customers are encouraged to contact the hotline at +84.986.43.82.86 for dedicated assistance!

The dental clinic nearby is open, and contact information is available on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/dental-clinics-in-ho-chi-minh-city-top-15-reputable-and-best-reviewed/ Fri, 17 Nov 2023 04:48:16 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18151 Let’s explore and refer to the top 15+ reputable and best dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City at the moment. From there, you can easily choose a good dental clinic and plan visits that suit your individual needs. What defines a reputable and quality dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City? Residents of Ho...

Dental Clinics in Ho Chi Minh City: Top 15+ Reputable and Best-reviewed on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Let’s explore and refer to the top 15+ reputable and best dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City at the moment. From there, you can easily choose a good dental clinic and plan visits that suit your individual needs.

nha khoa tphcm uy tín

What defines a reputable and quality dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City?

Residents of Ho Chi Minh City can make the right choice of a trustworthy dental clinic from their first visit. To achieve this, we suggest five important criteria for readers when selecting a dental clinic:

The dental clinic is licensed and has a minimum of 10 years of experience in the industry.

Ensuring full legal compliance instills trust in the credibility and quality of the dental clinic for customers. Essential requirements include operating licenses, certificates of professional practice for dentists, etc.

Transparency in costs and the dentist’s treatment records with patients.

When undergoing dental procedures, patients need to ensure that their treating dentist is a professional. Avoiding cases of financial loss is crucial, especially with services like implant placement and cosmetic porcelain crowns.

Reputable premium dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City with positive patient reviews.

The credibility of a premium dental clinic is reflected in positive feedback from customers. The units listed in the top 10 reputable dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City below all have high ratings on Google Reviews, ranging from 4.0/5.0 stars.

Clear warranty policies and a commitment to service quality.

Customers are assured of service warranties and treatment quality if it is a reputable dental clinic. This is a crucial criterion to consider when searching for a reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City for dental procedures.

Modern treatment equipment, incorporating new technology into treatment.

A genuine dental clinic invests in modern equipment, employing sterile treatment processes to enhance treatment efficiency and ensure patient safety.

Reasonable costs

A reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City should offer reasonable treatment costs within the financial means of many people. Dental clinics with high fees but poor quality do not make our recommended list.

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> TOP 5 Địa ch?Nha khoa Uy tín tại Tp.HCM được S?Y t?cấp Giấy phép

> Nha khoa uy tín quận 10 được đánh giá cao

> Review Top 15+ Nha khoa Niềng Răng Uy tín hàng đầu tại TP.HCM

Top 15 Reputable and Best Dental Clinics in Ho Chi Minh City – Detailed Reviews

After thorough research and selection based on the criteria mentioned above, we have compiled a list of the top 15 reputable dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City. Please refer to the detailed reviews below, so you can choose the dental clinic that best suits your needs

Saigon Dental Implant – The Most Reputable Dental Clinic in Ho Chi Minh City

The first address on the list of reputable dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City is Saigon Dental Implant Center. This specialized center in the field of Dentistry and Maxillofacial has been granted a license by the Department of Health with the license number 05504/HCM-GPHĐ. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, this dental clinic is well-established. Therefore, in terms of credibility, you can confidently visit this clinic for dental check-ups.

Saigon Dental Implant

Strengths of Services:

  1. General Dentistry: Care and treatment for various dental issues such as pulpitis, gum inflammation, orthodontics, toothaches, etc.
  2. Implant Placement: Restoration for single-tooth and full-arch tooth loss through dental implant procedures.
  3. Orthodontics: Specialized teeth alignment services for both children and adults.
  4. Cosmetic Dentistry: Teeth whitening, porcelain crown placement, veneer application, etc.
  5. Reputable Dental Team: A team of leading expert dentists.

Some renowned dentists currently working at Saigon Dental Implant Center include:

  • Dr. Cang Hong Thai – A well-known Implantologist, specializing in advanced tooth loss treatment for middle-aged and elderly patients.
  • Dr. Le Thi Hien – A Maxillofacial Dentist with over 10 years of experience, specializing in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry.
  • Dr. Tran Thi My Nga – A renowned orthodontist in Ho Chi Minh City with over 5,000 successful orthodontic cases.

Outstanding Advantages:

  1. A list of proficient dental doctors is regularly updated on the official website. You can visit and refer to it.
  2. Consultation and examination services at Saigon Dental Implant Center are free of charge. Customers are encouraged to schedule appointments without concerns about examination fees.
  3. The clinic is proud to be a trusted dental address in Ho Chi Minh City, chosen by over 8,000 customers.
  4. 90% of customers, after using the services, rate them as excellent and are willing to recommend the clinic to friends and family when needed.
  5. Modern Technological Equipment at Saigon Dental Implant Center:
    • The clinic invests in advanced machinery to enhance specialized treatment services, supporting effective procedures for dental implantation, orthodontics, and porcelain crown placement.
    • Notable equipment includes Conebeam CT system, Scanora dental panoramic X-ray (Switzerland), Woodpecker Implant Surgery Machine, Piezotome tooth extraction machine (South Korea), LSBL high-frequency surgery machine, etc.
cơ s?vật chất nha khoa
Dental Facility Infrastructure

Treatment Costs

Modern and high-quality dental clinics, operating in accordance with European standards, offer services at rates that are suitable for the local population. We appreciate this clinic for its service pricing. The dental clinic frequently organizes promotional programs, discounts, along with a 0% interest installment payment policy. This creates opportunities for all patient groups to easily come for examinations and treatments.

Below is a price list for some key services at Saigon Dental Implant Center, such as dental implantation and orthodontic procedures. You can refer to the details.

Price list for single-tooth dental implantation

Services Pricing (vnd) Unit
Biotem Implant 13.500.000 tooth
Dentium Implant 17.100.000đ tooth
C-tech Implant 18.900.000đ tooth
Superline Implant 22.500.000đ tooth
Neodent Implant 23.800.000đ tooth
Implant Super Active (Nobel/Straumann) 34.200.000đ tooth

Price List for Orthodontic Braces

Dịch v?/strong> Pricing Unit
Metal Brace – level 1 16.000.000 2 arch
Metal Brace – level 2 25.000.000 2 arch
Metal Brace – level 3 32.000.000 2 arch
Ceramic Brace – level 1 26.000.000 2 arch
Ceramic Brace – level 2 39.000.000 2 arch
Ceramic Brace – level 3 52.000.000 2 arch
Lingual Braces 63.000.000 – 98.000.000 2 arch
Invisalign 70.000.000 – 105.000.000 Depending on the quantity of trays

Patient’s Reviews

Saigon Dental Implant Center is highly recommended on various health care community platforms, such as Whatclinic and Dental Departures, where it holds a Premium ranking with an impressive rating of 4.9/5 stars.

On the Google Business page, customers have provided feedback stating that this dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City is reputable, with a professional team of dentists and reasonable costs

review nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
Reviews of Saigon Dental Implant

Kim Dental Clinic – A Chain of Reputable and Modern Dental Clinics in Ho Chi Minh City

  • Addresses: 101 Suong Nguyet Anh, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1; 31 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Da Kao Ward, District 1
  • Working Hours: Monday – Saturday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Sunday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

The second reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City mentioned is the Nha Khoa Kim chain. With over 27 branches nationwide, Nha Khoa Kim is considered convenient for customers seeking dental services.

Key Services:

  1. General Dentistry
  2. Orthodontics
  3. Cosmetic Porcelain Crowns

Outstanding Advantages: The dental clinic places a strong emphasis on investing in modern machinery to provide customers with a high-quality service experience. Notable equipment includes the Cone Beam 3D CT imaging machine, Trios 3D scanning machine, Itero scanning machine, X Guide Implant Robot, CAD/CAM system, and 3D porcelain tooth model printing machine. The clinic is highly praised for its focus on aseptic factors to ensure safety and prevent cross-infection for customers

nha khoa kim
Kim dental clinic

Treatment Costs

We have not obtained specific and detailed price lists for the services provided here. Therefore, customers seeking information about costs may have limitations. Readers are encouraged to visit the clinic for an examination and inquire about pricing directly from the doctors or clinic staff.

Patient’s Reviews

Each branch of Nha Khoa Kim receives various reviews with different content. For convenient reference, readers can search for additional reviews about dental clinics near their location. Below are some notes from reviews of Nha Khoa Kim Dental at one of its branches…

review nha khoa kim
Reviews of Kim Dental Clinic

Ho Chi Minh City Dental and Maxillofacial Hospital

  • Address: 263 – 265 Tran Hung Dao Street, Co Giang Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working Hours: Monday – Sunday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Ho Chi Minh City Maxillofacial Hospital, under the Department of Health, provides high-tech treatments with the latest advancements in dental technology. If you prefer to be examined by a team of skilled specialists, including Doctors with Ph.D. and Master’s degrees, you may consider visiting this hospital

Bệnh viện răng hàm mặt tphcm
Ho Chi Minh City Dental and Maxillofacial Hospital

Key Services:

  1. General Dentistry
  2. Dental Implantation
  3. Orthodontics
  4. Maxillofacial Surgery
  5. Cosmetic Porcelain Crowns

Notable Advantages:

As a leading facility, renowned for its reputable dental examinations, this hospital has invested comprehensively in its equipment and machinery systems. It adheres to the safety standards set by the Ministry of Health, ensuring the safety of patients during and after treatment.

The hospital provides support for examinations through insurance and offers a range of services. Patients can proactively choose services based on personal needs. The list of treatments along with their costs is available on the hospital’s information portal for reference.

Treatment Costs:

The price list at Ho Chi Minh City Maxillofacial Hospital is detailed and covers a wide range of services. However, the services are not categorized, making it challenging to distinguish and locate specific information.

Patient’s Reviews:

Below are some reviews of the maxillofacial hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. A common feedback from many customers is that the hospital is often crowded, leading to longer waiting times. However, positive comments highlight the quality and expertise of the doctors. Therefore, considering both the quality of treatment and customer care services, individuals may need to weigh their options according to their standards.

review bệnh viện răng hàm mặt tphcm
review of Ho Chi Minh City Dental and Maxillofacial Hospital

Rose Dental Clinic – A Reputable and Safe Dental Clinic in Ho Chi Minh City

  • Address: 166 Dong Van Cong, Building D2eight 315, Thanh My Loi Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working Hours: Monday – Thursday: 08:00 AM – 07:00 PM; Friday: 08:00 AM – 07:00 PM; Saturday: 08:30 AM – 05:00 PM; Sunday: Closed

The next reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City is Hoa Hong Phuong Dong Dental Clinic. This dental clinic applies the most advanced treatment methods and utilizes special anesthesia techniques, providing customers with a high-quality, safe, and effective service experience

Nha khoa Hoa Hồng Phương Đông
Rose Dental clinic

Key Services:

  1. Dental Implantation
  2. Cosmetic Porcelain Crowns

Notable Advantages:

The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art modern machinery and follows extremely strict aseptic procedures, helping to reduce treatment time and ensure customer safety.

Treatment Costs:

The service costs at this clinic are comparable to other dental units in the same segment. The treatment services are listed in detail with specific price points. Readers can easily preview them.

The clinic excels in implantation, so the service costs may be slightly higher. Prices start from 1100 USD for a single implant, 2400 USD for an implant bridge, and 6200 USD for an all-on-4 implant.

Patient’s Reviews:

According to reviews, Hoa Hong Phuong Dong Dental Clinic has received many positive evaluations. Customers express gratitude and praise for the doctors who directly treat them. Readers can find additional feedback below

Review Nha khoa Hoa Hồng Phương Đông
Review of Rose Dental Clinic

Up Dental Clinic

  • Address: 02 Vo Oanh Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working Hours: Monday – Saturday: 8:30 AM ?9:00 PM; Sunday: 8:30 AM ?5:00 PM.

Specializing in orthodontics, Up Dental stands out as a reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City. The clinic has treated over 10,000 customers, including both children and adults.

Nha khoa Updental
Up dental Clinic

Key Services:

Orthodontic Braces

Notable Advantages:

Pioneering the installment of a monthly installment policy of 1 million VND with a team of orthodontic doctors graduating from Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Confidently providing quality orthodontic services with meticulous investment, including advanced equipment such as the German Sirona X-ray machine for accurate imaging diagnosis and a smart dental chair system.

Treatment Costs:

Due to a focus on orthodontics, the clinic offers favorable pricing policies for customers. However, specific price lists are not available on the website, and pre-treatment evaluations for orthodontic procedures are priced separately. Readers seeking precise cost information are advised to visit the clinic directly for reference.

Patient’s Reviews:

Compiled from Google Reviews, the dental clinic has received over 300 reviews, with customers praising and expressing gratitude for the orthodontic treatments provided by the doctors.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Review of Updental

Asia Dental

  • Addresses: 02 Man Thien, Tang Nhon Phu A, District 9; 527 Nguyen Duy Trinh, Binh Trung Dong, District 2
  • Working Hours: Monday – Sunday: 8:00 AM – 7:30 PM

With over 10 years of experience in the dental field, Asia Dental Clinic is the next reputable dental clinic we introduce in this article. The clinic takes pride in providing optimal solutions for the oral health of Vietnamese people.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Asia Dental

Key Services:

Services provided at Asia Dental Clinic include: Implant Dentistry, Orthodontics, Teeth Whitening, Porcelain Crowns,…

Notable Advantages:

The clinic is equipped with modern machinery and equipment for examination and treatment, ensuring a safe and gentle dental experience for customers.

Treatment Costs:

After investigation, it was observed that the clinic has not publicly disclosed its price list on its information channels. Therefore, we are unable to provide updated information for our readers.

Customer Reviews:

Customer reviews for Asia Dental Clinic are relatively scarce. We hope to receive feedback from our readers who have received dental care here, helping those researching dental clinics to form more objective assessments.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Review of Asia Dental Clinic

Ident Dental Clinic

  • Addresses: 19U-19V Nguyen Huu Canh, Ward 19, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City;
  • 193A-195 Hung Vuong, Ward 9, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working Hours: Monday – Saturday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Sunday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Ident Dental Clinic, under the leadership of Dr. Nguyen Hieu Tung, is a reputable dental address in Ho Chi Minh City. The clinic confidently presents itself as a modern dental facility equipped with machinery and technology transferred from Europe and the United States.

Nha khoa Ident
Ident Dental

Key Strengths:

The dental clinic operates with a patient-centered approach, adhering to the standards set by the Ministry of Health. This ensures the safety of customers who come here for treatment.

Highlighted Services:

  • Dental Implantation
  • Cosmetic Porcelain Crowns

Service Costs:

As a reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City, Ident Dental has publicly posted the price list for dental implants and porcelain crowns on its online portal. The service prices are reasonable and comparable to other reputable dental clinics in the area, such as Trong Rang Sai Gon Dental Clinic and Dong Nam Dental Clinic.

Patient’s Reviews:

Here is a summary of customer reviews regarding the quality of services at Ident Dental.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Review of Ident Dental

Paris Dental Clinic

  • Address: 84A Ba Huyen Thanh Quan, Ward 9, District 3; 97 Cong Hoa, Ward 4, Tan Binh District
  • Working hours: Monday – Sunday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

The French standard Cosmetic Dentistry system – Nha Khoa Paris is highly regarded as a reputable dental clinic. With multiple branches, customers in districts and districts within Ho Chi Minh City can easily visit for appointments.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Paris Dental


General dentistry Braces Tooth extraction Porcelain crowns Dentures Prominent Advantages:

At Paris Dental, customers benefit from a team of experienced dentists with 20 years of expertise, who directly examine and treat patients. The dentists regularly participate in specialized training courses and workshops on dentistry, continuously enhancing their professional skills.

Services offered at Paris dental include:

General dentistry Cosmetic dentistry: teeth whitening, filling, porcelain crowns, veneers, etc. Dental implants, Orthodontics Facial reconstruction: jaw surgery, smile correction, etc. Service Costs:

The price list for services is openly disclosed to customers. In general, service prices are equivalent to other dental clinics, starting from 300,000 VND. For specialized services such as implants, porcelain crowns, there may be some differences, but they are not significant.

Patient’ s Reviews:

The number of customer reviews at various branches is not extensive. Positive reviews generally praise the facility and the skills of the dentists. You can find more details below.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Review of Paris Dental

Dong Nam Dental Clinic

  • Address: 411 Nguyen Kiem, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working Hours: Monday – Saturday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Sunday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Dong Nam Dental Clinic

Dong Nam Dental, highly regarded for its reputation and quality, is located in Ho Chi Minh City. The clinic is licensed to operate in both branches. Specializing in dental implant services, it is a trusted choice for many customers who visit for check-ups every year.

Key Services:

  • Dental Implants
  • General Dentistry

Notable Advantages:

As a reputable dental facility in Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Khoa Dong Nam continually strives to enhance service quality by:

  • Regularly updating the latest technology in dental implant procedures
  • Enrolling dentists in advanced training programs
  • Innovating and upgrading equipment and machinery for patient care

Treatment Costs:

Compared to many other reputable dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City, the service prices here are relatively higher. The price difference ranges from approximately 3,000,000 VND for implant services to around 30,000,000 VND for orthodontic services. Considering the high service quality, individuals may weigh the cost against their financial conditions.

Patient’s Reviews:

Dong Nam Dental receives numerous positive reviews from customers. However, there are also some feedback about the warranty policy not being entirely satisfactory and long waiting times. For a more comprehensive evaluation, additional reviews from other reputable dental clinics are provided below.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Review of Đông Nam Dental Clinic

> Nha khoa làm răng uy tín, đáng tin cậy nhất TPHCM

> Trồng Răng Nhai bao nhiêu tiền? Bảng Giá tại các Phòng Khám Răng Tp.HCM Uy tín

> Top 5 Địa ch?Cấy ghép Nha khoa giá c?phải chăng gần tôi

Parkway Dental – A Trusted Dental Clinic in Ho Chi Minh City for Orthodontics

  • Address: 215 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3
  • Working Hours: Monday – Sunday: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM

Parkway is a reputable dental clinic system in Ho Chi Minh City specializing in orthodontic treatments, particularly known for providing Invisalign clear aligners. Many actors, singers, and MCs choose Parkway for their orthodontic needs.

Key Services:

Orthodontic Treatments, with a focus on Invisalign clear aligners. Operating within convenient hours, Parkway is a go-to destination for individuals seeking high-quality orthodontic services in Ho Chi Minh City.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Nha khoa Parkway

Key Services

  • Orthodontic treatments, correcting conditions such as overcrowded teeth, protruding teeth, crossbite, and misaligned bite
  • Cosmetic dentistry, including porcelain veneers, dental crowns, treating teeth discolored by tetracycline, and teeth whitening
  • Restorative dentistry, including dentures, dental implants, and removable dentures
  • Treatment of various dental conditions: cavities, wisdom tooth extraction, root canal therapy, etc.
  • Pediatric dentistry, involving the removal of baby teeth, orthodontic treatment for children, early orthodontic intervention

Notable Advantages:

  • Parkway Dental constantly invests in development, expanding its branch network to provide convenient and safe dental services for customers nationwide.

Treatment Costs: The detailed price list is transparent and publicly available to customers. However, we have observed slight variations in pricing among branches in the North, Central, and Southern regions. The differences are not significant, and interested individuals can refer to the pricing information on the dental clinic’s website.

Patient’s Reviews:

Here are some summarized reviews of Parkway Dental based on customer feedback.

Review Top 9 Nha khoa TP.HCM Uy tín và Tốt nhất
Review nha khoa Parkway

Nha Khoa Dr.Care – Trusted Dental Clinic in Binh Thanh

  • District Address: 720A Dien Bien Phu, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Working Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM ?9:00 PM, Sunday: 8:00 AM ?5:00 PM

Dr.Care Dental Clinic in Ho Chi Minh City is renowned for its reliable dental implant services. Established in 2017, the clinic boasts a team of dentists with over 5 years of experience in the field of dental implants. It stands out as one of the few dental clinics specializing in dental implants for middle-aged clients in Vietnam.

Review nha khoa drcare có tốt không
Dr.Care Dental Clinic

Outstanding Advantages

Dr.Care Dental Clinic specializes in painless dental implant treatments for single-tooth and long-term tooth loss. The clinic prioritizes selecting implant systems suitable for the bone structure of Vietnamese patients, promoting quick healing and shortening the treatment period. Customers receiving dental implants here also benefit from lifetime care policies along with warranties of up to 20 years.

Treatment Cost

The cost of dental implantation at Dr.Care Dental Clinic ranges from 15,500,000 VND to 43,500,000 VND per implant. The specific amount depends on each individual’s condition. Compared to specialized implant clinics in the area such as Dong Nam Dental Clinic and Sai Gon Implant Dental Clinic, the prices are somewhat higher. The price difference will vary depending on the type of implant chosen by the customer.

Patient’s Reviews

The number of customer reviews for the dental clinic on Google Review is limited. However, interested individuals can visit the clinic’s website to read some customer stories and gain additional insights

Khách hàng review nha khoa drcare có tốt không
review of drcare dental

Xo Viet Dental Clinic – Long-standing and Reliable Dental Clinic in Ho Chi Minh City

  • Address: 596 Xo Viet Ngh?Tĩnh, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District

Xo Viet Dental Clinic is a comprehensive dental health care facility in Ho Chi Minh City. The clinic, with a long history of operation, is under the professional guidance of Dr. Nguyen Phu Hien. Each year, thousands of patients regain a healthy and confident smile after receiving treatment at this clinic.

nha khoa xô viết
Xo Viet dental Clinic

Outstanding Advantages:

Xo Viet Dental Clinic – A reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City – takes pride in providing premium dental services in a modern dental environment. In addition to emphasizing the application of modern dental implant techniques, deep teeth whitening technology, etc., the clinic is also notable for strict adherence to health and safety standards.

The clinic employs sterilization technology, autoclaving treatment tools for patients. Notably, separate treatment areas are constructed to limit cross-infection for customers coming here for treatment.

The credibility of Xo Viet Dental Clinic is further affirmed through the skill of the medical team working here. The doctors have many years of experience, are dedicated, and love their profession. They focus on providing pain reduction treatments for customers, standardizing procedures, and performing examinations and treatments quickly, efficiently.

Xo Viet Dental Clinic specializes in examining and treating:

  • Orthodontics: crooked teeth, overbite, underbite, protruding teeth, etc.
  • Children’s dentistry: cavities, toothaches, missing teeth, tooth loss, etc.
  • Aesthetic porcelain teeth: discolored teeth, chipped teeth, deformed shapes, etc.
  • Endodontics: toothaches, sensitive teeth, large cracks, fractures, etc.
  • Oral surgery: open bite, receding gums, gum inflammation, etc.
  • Minor surgery: swelling, pain, wisdom tooth pain, etc.
  • Removable prosthodontics: tooth loss in the elderly.

Treatment Costs:

The clinic has not publicly disclosed the price list for its treatment services. Those interested in this clinic can contact them directly to get a clearer understanding of the amount to be prepared.

Patient’s Reviews:

The number of customer reviews for the dental clinic is limited. If you have ever had a dental check-up here, we hope to receive your review contributions to provide better choices for others.

review nha khoa xô viết
review of xo viet dental

Nha Khoa 2000 – A prestigious dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City.

  • Address: 99 Ho Hao Hon, Co Giang Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Working hours: Morning: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Afternoon: 1:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Nha Khoa 2000 is a well-established dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City with 24 years of experience in oral health care. If you are looking for a long-standing dental clinic with experienced dentists, you can visit here.

The clinic operates under the professional leadership of Dr. Vo Van Tu Hien. With a professional working style and dedicated ethics, many customers have trusted the clinic for their dental treatments.

phòng khám nha khoa 2000
Nha Khoa 2000 – A reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City.

Services at Dental Clinic 2000:

The clinic currently offers a variety of services for treating dental conditions and cosmetic dentistry, such as:

  • Dental Implantation
  • Gum Care: for bleeding gums, limiting bone absorption around teeth, …
  • General Dentistry: treating cavities, root canal inflammation, …
  • Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry: fixing chips and cracks in teeth, …
  • Pediatric Dentistry: extracting baby teeth, treating pediatric root canals, …
  • Surgical Procedures: extracting wisdom teeth, cutting impacted teeth, … Outstanding Advantages:

The clinic continually updates and enhances its infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of clients at different stages. A notable point is the flexible examination and treatment process according to the plan and schedule of the clients. Consequently, dental examinations and treatments here are considered fast and time-efficient.

Additionally, the clinic invests in modern machinery for dental treatments, providing clients with a positive experience during procedures such as root canal treatment, teeth scaling, and even procedures like dental implantation and cosmetic dentistry.

Treatment Costs:

As per the gathered information, the price list for services at Dental Clinic 2000 is reasonable. The cost of teeth scaling starts from 300,000 VND, and wisdom tooth extraction is from 1,000,000 VND. These prices are comparable to the general market rates for dental services in Ho Chi Minh City.

Patient’s Reviews:

The clinic has earned the trust of many customers with positive feedback praising the skills of the dentists. Below are some actual reviews about this reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City.

review v?nha khoa 2000
review of 2000 Dental Clinic

Dr. Vương Dental Clinic – A reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City specializing in braces

  • Address: 108 Dang Van Bi – Binh Tho Ward – Thu Duc District – Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working hours: Monday – Sunday: Morning: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Dr. Vương Dental Clinic is a trusted dental address in Ho Chi Minh City, particularly known for its expertise in braces. With a team of skilled orthodontists, the clinic always ensures quality and peace of mind for customers undergoing orthodontic treatment here.

nha khoa dr vương
Dr Vuong dental Clinic

Outstanding Advantages:

A highly qualified team of dentists is a key factor in affirming this as a reputable and prestigious dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City. All team members have graduated from reputable universities with a specialization in Dentistry.

Modern equipment allows dentists to plan appropriate treatments, shorten the duration, and provide reasonable braces costs. The price for braces has been publicly disclosed on the website, making it easy for customers to refer to in advance.

Treatment Costs:

Braces at this clinic are priced from approximately 40,000,000 VND for both upper and lower jaws. Depending on the complexity, the clinic may charge an additional fee of 5,000,000 VND per jaw. Compared to other providers, the braces cost may be somewhat higher, but in return, there are customer support policies such as 0% installment, promotional discounts, etc. If interested, you can contact the clinic’s consulting staff directly for a more specific quotation.

Patient’s Reviews:

The customer segment of Dr. Vương Dental Clinic is young people seeking orthodontic treatment. Therefore, it is easy to find feedback and reviews about this orthodontic clinic. Below are some shares from customers who have had braces here. Readers can review these testimonials to understand the reliable quality of this dental clinic

review nha khoa dr vương
Dental Clinic Dr. Vương Review – Address of a reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City specializing in orthodontics

Premier Dental Clinic

Premier Dental is an international standard dental center in Vietnam. It is also a reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City that you can consider. The clinic has been operating for 17 years in the field of dentistry under the leadership of Dr. Albert Lê Khôi Việt. If you are looking for a reliable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City with a long-standing reputation, this is a suitable suggestion.

premier dental
Premier Dental Clinic – A longstanding reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City.

Outstanding Advantages:

Premier Dental Clinic excels in ensuring safe and internationally standardized antiseptic control along with a well-regulated treatment process according to the regulations of the Health Department. Furthermore, its reputation as a high-quality dental clinic is affirmed through the expertise of the medical team and dentists at the clinic. The doctors are trained at prestigious institutions both domestically and internationally.

Additionally, the clinic is highly regarded for its meticulous infection control procedures in the treatment facility. All practices strictly adhere to international standards, ensuring safety and cleanliness.

Premier Dental invests significantly in the scale of its treatment equipment, including Conebeam CT X-ray machines, Simplant 3D simulation software, and more. As a result, it is considered a modern dental facility, worthy of consideration for those in need of dental care.

Main services provided by the dental clinic:

Scaling, orthodontic treatment, teeth whitening Dental Implantation Orthodontics for teeth and facial structure Treatment Costs:

The service fees are not publicly disclosed on various media channels. Therefore, we recommend contacting the clinic directly to obtain specific information about the service prices you are interested in.

Patient’s Reviews:

This reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City has gained the trust of many local and international customers. Reviews praise the skill of the dentists and the quality of service provided by the clinic.

review nha khoa premier dental
Review of Premier Dental Clinic – Trusted Dental Clinic in Ho Chi Minh City

Hope that the list of the top 15+ reputable dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City is helpful for you. Each selected facility in this article has its own strengths. You can refer to and make a choice based on your budget and personal needs. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Wishing you good health and a positive dental care experience!


Is it possible to fill a horizontally cracked tooth? I hope the doctor can provide an answer

For a case of a horizontally cracked tooth, the dentist will first conduct a general examination to determine the extent of the injury, the location of the crack, and the actual oral health condition. All of these factors will determine the appropriate method, which could include filling the tooth, applying dental veneers, or using dental crowns, to restore your tooth.

Tooth number 7 has a cavity, and after undergoing a filling treatment, it has now cracked and broken on both sides, with minimal pain. I don't feel any discomfort or pain when chewing; however, the damaged tooth emits a bad odor. Can the tooth be saved, or should it be extracted, doctor?


If the tooth can still be treated with fillings or dental crowns, a conservative approach will be taken. However, if the cavity is severe and the tooth cannot be preserved, extraction might be necessary.

My tooth is cracked, and it's consistently painful. Should I have it extracted, or what should I do?

Hello there,

You should visit the dentist early for a thorough examination and accurate assessment of your tooth’s condition. From there, an appropriate treatment plan can be determined! If preservation is still possible, procedures such as root canal treatment, filling, or dental crowns may be considered. In cases where preservation is not possible, extraction and replacement may be necessary.

Doctor, I'm considering getting braces. Could you please recommend a reputable dental clinic for me to inquire about in Saigon?

Saigon Dental Implant Clinic is a leading dental clinic in terms of quality. The clinic is equipped with advanced technology and facilities to assist you in the orthodontic process. You will be able to preview the final results of your treatment, including the aesthetics of your profile and the gradual movement of your teeth through each stage. The dentist will analyze the parameters and provide the best treatment plan for your specific dental condition using personalized software, unique to the Saigon Dental Implant Clinic. This ensures that you are well-informed and involved in the treatment process, minimizing risks and complications. For the clearest assistance, please contact us at 0986 438 286 for consultation and answers to your inquiries.

I'm in District 12, Ho Chi Minh City. Could you please recommend the most reputable dental clinic? Thank you.

The dental clinic provides you with the address of their facility:

SAIGON DENTAL IMPLANT CLINIC (SG) – Health Department operating license: 05504/HCM-GPHD

? class= Headquarters: 470-472 Le Hong Phong Street, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City

Mobile: 0986 438 286


Below is a list of reliable dental experts at SAIGON DENTAL IMPLANT CLINIC that you can choose for examination and treatment of dental issues:

Director of Specialized Department

  • Dental Implantation; Intraoral & Maxillofacial Surgery; Restoration; Orthodontics; Aesthetic Dentistry.
  • Languages: Vietnamese, English
  • With over 20 years of expertise, specializing in dental implantation, orthodontics, and aesthetic restoration.

Dr. CKI – Orthodontic Specialist

  • Specialist: Orthodontics, General Dentistry.
  • Languages: Vietnamese, English
  • With over 11 years of experience in the field of Dental ?Jaw ?Facial treatment.

Dr. CKI – Specialist in Orofacial Dentistry

  • Expertise: Restoration; Orthodontics; Aesthetic Dentistry.
  • Languages: Vietnamese, English.
  • With over 12 years of in-depth experience in orthodontics and aesthetic dental restoration.

Dr. CKI – Specialist in Aesthetic Restoration

  • Expertise: Specializing in aesthetic porcelain dental restoration; General Dentistry.
  • Languages: Vietnamese, English.
  • With over 10 years of specialized treatment and aesthetic dental restoration.

Doctor CKI

  • Expertise: Aesthetic Dentistry; General Dentistry.
  • Languages: Vietnamese, English.
  • With over 4 years of specialized treatment, specializing in aesthetic dental restoration.

470-472 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10, TPHCM


Dental Clinics in Ho Chi Minh City: Top 15+ Reputable and Best-reviewed on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/top-5-best-implant-posts-in-south-korea-currently/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 09:05:33 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18054 Utilizing South Korean Implant Posts to replace lost teeth is a cost-effective solution with long-lasting effectiveness almost throughout a lifetime. Here are the top 5 best South Korean Implant Post brands for you to consider. Top 5 Best South Korean Implant Post Brands Currently South Korean Implant Posts are an effective solution for replacing missing...

TOP 5 Best Implant Posts in South Korea currently on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Utilizing South Korean Implant Posts to replace lost teeth is a cost-effective solution with long-lasting effectiveness almost throughout a lifetime. Here are the top 5 best South Korean Implant Post brands for you to consider.

tr?implant hàn quốc

Top 5 Best South Korean Implant Post Brands Currently

South Korean Implant Posts are an effective solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth. With advanced technology and high-quality products, South Korean implant posts have been highly praised by customers for their effectiveness and durability.

Several brands of South Korean implant posts are used in dental implantation. However, there are 5 lines of posts that are considered both high-quality and cost-effective today: Osstem Implant Posts, Dio Implant Posts, Dentium Implant Posts, Neo Biotech Implant Posts, and Biotem Implant Posts.

Osstem Implant Posts

Osstem’s line of implant posts from South Korea features a simple and flexible design with various sizes and different configurations. The posts are made from premium titanium alloy. Additionally, the base of the implant post has a specially designed surface with deep grooves, providing enhanced adhesion and stability on the jawbone.

tr?implant osstem
tr?implant osstem
  • Application Cases: Osstem provides a variety of product lines suitable for various dental cases, including single-tooth loss, multiple-tooth loss, and even complex cases involving weak jawbones.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Osstem’s product lines are often aesthetically designed and have the ability to blend seamlessly with saliva, ensuring aesthetic integrity for patients.

Dio Implant Posts

Undergoing rigorous testing processes and obtaining certifications such as ISO, FDA, CE, the Dio Implant Post series from South Korea has been widely adopted in over 60 countries, including Vietnam.

tr?implant dio
tr?implant dio
  • Application Cases: Dio Implant Posts are commonly used in cosmetic dentistry, especially for anterior tooth replacement, where aesthetic considerations play a crucial role.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Dio products often feature modern designs, ensuring aesthetic satisfaction for patients and high integration capabilities.

Dentium Implant Posts

Dentium, ranking third in implant production in South Korea, offers highly aesthetic products suitable for a diverse range of patients.

tr?implant dentium
tr?implant dentium

Dentium Implant Posts have achieved numerous quality certifications such as ISO 13485, FDA, and the CE mark for Europe. This product line was the first to utilize surface sandblasting technology, featuring a specially designed spiral shape that allows for sub-gingival contouring of approximately 3mm. This unique design enables Dentium implant posts to have high compatibility with the jawbone, preventing bone resorption.

  • Application Cases: Dentium is commonly used for various routine dental cases, including both single-tooth and multiple-tooth replacements.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Dentium products are characterized by a simple yet high-quality design, focusing on fundamental aesthetic considerations.


Neo Biotech Implant Posts

With reasonable pricing and excellent quality, Neo Biotech is a South Korean implant post series that is widely sold and utilized in most Asian countries.

tr?implant neo biotech
tr?implant neo biotech
  • Application Cases: Neobiotech offers a variety of implant post designs with flexibility, suitable for a wide range of cases from simple to complex, including bone grafting procedures.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Neo Biotech products feature a flexible design that can be customized to ensure aesthetic satisfaction for patients.

Biotem Implant Posts

Biotem Implant Posts from South Korea are known for their high biological compatibility. They are designed with a helical thread along the post, increasing the contact area with the jawbone. This design accelerates the bone integration process.

Biotem Implants are a cost-effective option compared to other implant post series produced in South Korea. Despite the lower cost, they still maintain quality and aesthetic appeal when used.

implant biotem
implant biotem
  • Application Cases: Biotem is often used in cosmetic dentistry, particularly for cases requiring high integration, especially in the anterior tooth region.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Biotem products boast modern and aesthetically pleasing designs, ensuring the aesthetic satisfaction of patients.

Each of the mentioned South Korean Implant Post brands has its own advantages, characteristics, and applications for different tooth regions. To select the most suitable implant post based on individual needs and financial considerations, it’s advisable to consult with a dentist for more personalized guidance.

Icon mũi tênXEM THÊM: Trồng răng implant Biotem khôi phục kh?năng ăn nhai hoàn chỉnh

Are South Korean Implant Posts Good?

South Korean implants offer an effective solution for replacing missing teeth by grafting titanium into the jawbone. With advanced technology, South Korean implants provide long-lasting, safe, and high-quality tooth replacement.

South Korean implants come with notable advantages:

Non-irritating Titanium Material:

Titanium, used in the implant, does not cause irritation or inflammation.

Perfect Integration with the Jawbone:

Advanced technology ensures seamless integration of the implant with the jawbone, creating a stable foundation for replacement teeth.

High Durability, Long-Term Usage:

The implants exhibit high durability, with a lifespan of 20-30 years, depending on maintenance.

Natural-Looking Implant Shape:

Implant posts are designed to resemble natural teeth in shape.

Natural-Looking Porcelain Teeth on Implants:

The porcelain teeth mounted on the implant mimic the appearance of natural teeth.

No Need for Bone Graft Surgery:

South Korean implants eliminate the need for bone graft surgery.

The use of South Korean implants for tooth replacement is evaluated and recognized for quality, effectiveness, and safety by regulatory bodies such as the FDA and CE. Therefore, you can feel confident in choosing this type of implant for your dental restoration.

Here are three reasons to consider dental treatment using South Korean Implant Posts.

Applicable to a Variety of Dental Restoration Cases

The prominent feature of the spiral and helical thread design is a standout characteristic of South Korean Implant Posts. Consequently, they meet the demands for dental restoration in various cases, including single-tooth replacements, implant bridges, and full-mouth dental restorations using techniques like All on 4 or All on 6.

Durable and Resilient South Korean Implant Posts

South Korean Implant Posts are crafted from pure titanium material, and they feature a specially designed helical thread. Thanks to these factors, South Korean Implant Posts exhibit high durability and stability, ensuring robust integration into the jawbone. After undergoing the implantation and porcelain tooth restoration process, these implants provide excellent chewing functionality, imparting a sensation akin to natural teeth, and maintain high durability over an extended period.

D?liệu trồng răng implant dentium sau 15 năm
D?liệu trồng răng implant dentium hàn quốc sau 15 năm

Safe, Biocompatible, and Rapid Integration

South Korean Implant Posts hold ISO quality certification and FDA approval for safety and biocompatibility with the human body. Particularly, the helical thread design accelerates the jawbone integration process, allowing for swift surgical procedures and preventing bone resorption due to tooth loss.

On average, the lifespan of South Korean Implant Post series can extend up to 30-40 years or even a lifetime when executed with proper technique and combined with thorough care.

Top 5 Reputable and Quality South Korean Implant Clinics

Most reputable dental clinics specializing in implant surgeries often utilize South Korean Implant Posts for dental restorations. Below are some trustworthy addresses for dental implant procedures that you may consider when in need.

Dental Implant Center Saigon – A Trusted Dental Implant Facility

Dental Implant Center Saigon is a reputable dental clinic licensed by the Department of Health to perform advanced implant surgeries. With over 20 years of experience in the dental field, the clinic boasts a team of implant specialists graduated from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City. Notably, the clinic uses high-quality Dentium South Korean Implant Posts, providing perfect dental restorations for various cases, from single-tooth replacements to full-mouth restorations.

Bác sĩ Răng Hàm Mặt
bác sĩ trồng răng tại nha khoa


  • Korean implantation using minimally invasive techniques, with surgery that does not involve flap inversion, resulting in minimal pain and quick healing.
  • Customers can have new teeth with just 2 appointments and implantation within 48 hours.
  • The dental clinic is a direct partner of the global Korean implant material supplier, certified with clear origin, ensuring quality.
  • Provides a variety of Korean implant post options with various sizes to accommodate all cases of tooth loss, from simple to complex, with extensive bone loss.
  • Experienced doctors with over 20 years of training in dental implantation at the Korean Implant Institute. The correct choice of implant size, proper placement of the implant post in terms of direction and depth, enhances initial stability and promotes rapid integration, delivering outstanding results.

Dental implant costs:

Implant Type Cost (VND) Unit
Standard Korean Implant (Biotem) 13.500.000 Per Tooth
Premium Korean Implant (Dentium) 17.100.000 Per Tooth

Some successful treatment cases

implant toàn hàm
implant toàn hàm với tr?implant dentium
trồng răng implant hàm trên
trồng răng implant hàm trên

Customer reviews:

nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn có tốt không
Khách hàng trồng răng implant review nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn

Contact Information:

  • Address: 470 – 472 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone Number: 0986.43.82.86
  • Working Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM; Sunday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Dental Clinic Dr.Care

Dr.Care Dental Clinic is a reputable dental implant center for middle-aged individuals in Ho Chi Minh City. The clinic boasts a team of dentists with 7 years of specialized experience in painless dental implant procedures, earning positive reviews and satisfaction from numerous patients.

trồng răng implant hàm trên
nha khoa trồng răng implant hàn quốc – Nha khoa Dr.care


  • Modern clinic with advanced treatment support equipment: 3D digital X-ray machines, ultrasonic devices for teeth and mouth, etc.
  • Clear treatment plans and a commitment to genuine warranty for implant and porcelain teeth materials.
  • Painless dental implantation using the latest techniques, providing a gentle and comfortable experience for patients with tooth loss.

Dental implant costs:

For Korean Implants, the clinic uses the standard Osstem implant post, priced at 13,000,000 VND. This fee includes the implant post and abutment, excluding the cost of the above prosthesis porcelain teeth.

Customer Reviews:

Khách hàng review nha khoa drcare có tốt không
review nha khoa drcare

Contact Information:

  • Address: 720A Dien Bien Phu, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Working Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM; Sunday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic is a reliable dental implant center for customers seeking solutions for tooth loss. With over 20 years of experience, the clinic has been actively involved in treating and caring for oral health for both local and international patients.

Nha khoa nhân tâm
nha khoa nhân tâm


The clinic is led by Dr. Vo Van Nhan, a specialist in Implant dentistry with over 20 years of practical experience.

Utilizes modern technology in guiding the placement of implant posts for customers.

Conducts comprehensive examination steps, general health checks, and X-rays when treating tooth loss through implantation.

Dental implant costs:

The cost of implant post placement for Korean Implants at Nhân Tâm Dental Clinic is currently 7,500,000 VND per post. The total implantation cost includes various items such as the implant post fee, abutment fee, porcelain tooth fee, surgery positioning stent fee, bone grafting fee, sinus lift (if applicable), etc.

Note: The clinic has not provided specific details about the brand and type of implant posts used. Interested patients can directly contact the clinic for more information.

Customer Reviews:

nha khoa nhân tâm có tốt không
review nha khoa nhân tâm

Contact Information:

  • Address: 803 ?805 ?807 ?809 3/2 Street, Ward 7, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM ?8:00 PM; Sunday: 8:00 AM ?5:00 PM

Ident Dental Clinic

Ident Dental Clinic is a high-quality dental implant center with a comprehensive warranty policy for customers undergoing treatment. With over 15 years of reputation in the market, the clinic is trusted by numerous patients, both local and international.

nha khoa ident
Nha khoa Ident


  • I-Dent Dental Clinic carries out all procedures from examination, implantation to porcelain restoration by a team of skilled dentists.
  • Utilizes equipment imported from Europe to support the implantation process.
  • Offers reasonable and cost-effective treatment for customers.

Dental implant costs:

Classification Cost Unit
Implant DiO (Korea) 13.000.000 Per Tooth
Implant Dentium (Korea) 17.000.000 Per Tooth

Customer Reviews:

review nha khoa ident
Nha khoa IDent

Contact Information:


  • 19U-19V Nguyen Huu Canh, Ward 19, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • 193A-195 Hung Vuong, Ward 9, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City

Working Hours:

  • Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM ?8:00 PM
  • Sunday: 8:00 AM ?12:00 PM

Minh Khai Dental Clinic

Minh Khai Dental Clinic is a reputable and professional dental implant center with a team of experienced and skilled dentists. The clinic is highly praised for its safe implantation procedures that adhere to the standards set by the Ministry of Health.

nha khoa minh khai
nha khoa minh khai


  • Fully equipped with modern facilities, advanced machinery, and numerous new technologies such as the CEREC system (dental milling machine), laser dentistry, and digital X-ray systems in dental implantation.
  • Professional, friendly, and convenient working environment. The waiting area is spacious, and the clinic is decorated in a modern style, clean, and warm, providing a comfortable and relaxing experience for customers during treatment.

Dental implant costs:

Korean Implant (1 post, excluding porcelain tooth) ?(Vietnamese dentist): Prices range from 20,000,000 ?23,000,000 VND per post.

Customer Reviews:

review nha khoa minh khai
review nha khoa minh khai

Contact Information:

  • Address: 199 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward Nguyen Cu Trinh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Working Hours: Morning: 08:00 AM ?12:00 PM; Afternoon: 01:30 PM ?08:30 PM

Icon mũi tênXEM THÊM: Top 10 Địa ch?Nha khoa Implant HCM uy tín


Korean implants are an ideal solution for replacing missing teeth, providing long-term effectiveness. With advanced technology, implant products from Korea meet international standards and are reliable in terms of quality. To ensure the safety of the implantation process, it is recommended to seek treatment at reputable healthcare facilities with quality services. Investing in implantation once will help you regain a bright smile and increased confidence in life.

We hope that the comprehensive information about the top 5 Korean implant post types mentioned above will assist you in selecting the post that suits your needs and financial capabilities. For any inquiries, please feel free to contact our hotline at 0986.43.82.86 for further assistance and consultation!

TOP 5 Best Implant Posts in South Korea currently on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/gum-inflammation-causes-symptoms-and-treatment/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 07:33:02 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18026 Gum inflammation is a common dental condition that can lead to infection and tooth loss if not treated promptly. Below are the causes of gum inflammation, early signs for detection, and the best treatment methods to protect oral health, saving costs on potential tooth loss treatment later on. What is gum inflammation? The gums are...

Gum Inflammation – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.


Tư vấn chuyên môn bài viết

Bác sĩ Răng Hàm Mặt CKI Trần Th?M?Nga

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn

Gum inflammation is a common dental condition that can lead to infection and tooth loss if not treated promptly. Below are the causes of gum inflammation, early signs for detection, and the best treatment methods to protect oral health, saving costs on potential tooth loss treatment later on.

viêm nướu chân răng

What is gum inflammation?

The gums are the soft, pale pink tissue that surrounds the teeth, serving the function of protecting the teeth. The tooth socket bone lies beneath the gums, securing the teeth in place within the tooth socket. When experiencing gum inflammation, also known as gingivitis, the soft tissue around the teeth, including the gums and tooth socket bone, becomes swollen, red, and may bleed during brushing or eating. Prolonged gum inflammation can progress down to the bone, causing inflammation of the tooth socket bone.

thống kê t?l?viêm nướu chân răng
Rates of Gum Inflammation at Different Stages

According to the Medical Research Journal, globally, as per the World Health Organization’s statistics, the prevalence of gingivitis ranges from 70% to 90%, varying by country and affecting individuals of all ages, with some places reaching nearly 100% in adolescence.

In Vietnam, based on the nationwide oral health survey in 2019, the incidence of gum inflammation in children aged 12-14 is reported to be 44.7%. Gingivitis is a common oral health condition, estimated to affect approximately 47% of the Vietnamese population and over 50% of the global population

Causes of Gum Inflammation

Gingivitis is a common and easily acquired oral health condition with various underlying causes, including:

  1. Periodontal disease: The primary cause of gum inflammation, where bacteria residing in dental plaque damage the gums, triggering inflammation and infection.
  2. Poor oral hygiene: Inadequate and infrequent brushing leaves behind plaque and leftover food, providing a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive.
  3. Smoking: Tobacco use reduces blood circulation to the gums, weakens the immune system, and increases susceptibility to disease.
  4. Stress: Stress diminishes the body’s immune response, creating favorable conditions for the growth of disease-causing bacteria.
  5. Medications: Some systemic medications, such as those for hypertension or blood clotting, may elevate the risk of gum inflammation.
  6. Underlying health conditions: Diseases like diabetes, immune deficiencies, vitamin C deficiency, etc., can increase the likelihood of gum inflammation.
  7. Genetics: Genetic factors can contribute to a heightened susceptibility to gum inflammation.
  8. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase sensitivity to gum inflammation.

Additionally, factors such as age, gender, diet, and habits can also play a role in contributing to the development of this condition.

nguyên nhân gây viêm nướu
Some Causes of Gum Inflammation

Symptoms of Gum Inflammation

Healthy gums are pale pink, non-swollen, painless, and do not bleed. Below are some early signs and symptoms of gum inflammation that can be identified:

Dấu hiệu sưng nướu
Sưng nướu là biểu hiện sớm của bệnh viêm nướu
  • Red, swollen, and painful gums, bleeding during brushing or eating.
  • Spontaneous bleeding and, in severe cases, the presence of pus in gum inflammation.
  • Gums appearing bulky and covering the tooth’s neck.
  • Bad breath due to the accumulation of plaque.
  • Pain or discomfort while eating, especially with hot, cold, or sweet foods.
  • Loose teeth, sensitivity to temperature changes. Aching in the tooth socket bone.
  • Teeth appearing elongated or receding gums. Itching sensation along the gums.

Observable signs of gum inflammation include changes in gum color, ranging from pale red to deep red, swelling or enlargement, gum recession and loss of elasticity, easy bleeding, plaque buildup, and elevated teeth, along with the presence of bad breath

Biểu hiện của bệnh viêm nướu
Symptoms of Gum Inflammation

If left untreated, gum inflammation can escalate and become more severe. At this stage, symptoms become more pronounced, including increased pain, persistent bleeding, extensive pus formation, widespread swelling, severe bad breath, significant tooth mobility, and difficulties in chewing.

Treatment for Gum Inflammation

The treatment of gum inflammation aims to alleviate pain, halt the inflammatory process, and ensure the overall health of the teeth. At Saigon Implant Dental Clinic, currently the top-ranked Dental and Maxillofacial Center in Ho Chi Minh City, a standardized treatment protocol is followed, prioritizing safety and delivering comprehensive and effective results in addressing gum inflammation

Facial and Dental Specialist at Saigon Implant Dental Clinic

The doctors working at the clinic are from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City. Readers can register for free consultations with doctors such as Dr. Le Thi Hien, Dr. Tran Thi My Nga, Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Linh,…

Currently, for gum inflammation conditions, patients undergo X-rays to assess the extent of inflammation. Subsequently, treatment is administered based on the severity of the condition, as follows:

Treatment for gum inflammation at the clinic

There are various methods for treating gum inflammation at the clinic. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment methods.

Mild level:

  • Teeth Cleaning:

Removal of plaque and bacteria along the tooth surface and gumline. Deep cleaning of the tooth’s root surface helps regenerate gum health and prevent the reattachment of plaque.

  • Use of Anti-inflammatory Medications:

Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and improve symptoms. Typically used in the early stages or after teeth cleaning.

Note: The choice of medication for gum inflammation depends on the prescription from the doctor. It is not advisable to self-prescribe medications at home to avoid worsening the condition.

Safe, Simple, and Cost-Effective Treatment for Swollen Gums

Moderate to Severe Level:

  • Surgery for draining and treating pus, combined with treating inflammation around the tooth through scaling, root planing, and addressing issues like root canal treatment or gum trimming in cases of pus-associated gum inflammation.
  • Gum Reshaping Surgery: In situations where the gum has receded and pulled away from the tooth, creating a gap between the tooth and gum, a dental surgeon may perform surgery to reshape the gum and reposition it correctly.
  • Gum Trimming Surgery: This method involves removing excess gum tissue or accumulated bacteria, aiming to clean and reshape the gum.
  • Gum Contouring: This involves reshaping the gum around the tooth without removing any part of the gum. This method is often performed after gum trimming to enhance aesthetics
phẫu thuật chỉnh hình nướu
phẫu thuật nướu
  • Gum Lift: In cases of severe gum inflammation, a dentist may perform a gum lift surgery to reposition the gum to its correct place and ensure a tight fit around the tooth.
  • Tooth Neck Reconstruction: In certain situations, the neck of the tooth may be damaged or lost due to severe gum inflammation. A dental surgeon can perform a reconstruction surgery to address this issue.
  • Bone Grafting: In cases where inflammation has caused damage to the tooth’s bone, the dentist may perform a bone graft using either autogenous or artificial bone to regenerate the tooth socket.
  • Dental Implant Placement: For heavily loosened or extracted teeth, a dentist may recommend dental implant placement as a replacement solution.

Guide to Treating Gingivitis at Home

After visiting the dentist and being diagnosed with mild gingivitis, you can consider additional home treatments in conjunction with professional dental care. Here are some ways to manage gingivitis at home:

  1. Maintain good oral hygiene to prevent and control gingivitis. Brush your teeth properly and clean your mouth with a soft-bristled brush after meals.
  2. Use specialized mouthwash for gingivitis that contains antibacterial properties, reduces inflammation, and improves bad breath.

To effectively treat gingivitis, patients should combine these measures. It is advisable to seek prompt dental attention when noticing any unusual signs in the gums for appropriate consultation and treatment from a dentist

Cost of Treating Gingivitis

The cost of treating gingivitis depends on the severity and condition of the disease. Therefore, the cost of treating gingivitis varies based on whether it is mild or severe. However, generally, the expenses for treating gingivitis are not excessively high and can depend on various factors such as your location, the treatment facility, and the specific treatment method used.

Here is a price chart for treating gingivitis corresponding to some common treatment methods.

Services Pricing (vnd) Unit
Teeth Cleaning 300.000 2 arch
Periodontal 1.000.000 1 tooth
Tooth abscess 1.000.000 – 3.000.000 1 tooth
Gingivectomy 1.500.000 1 tooth

To obtain an accurate price, you can directly contact the clinic for a preliminary diagnosis or visit the clinic in person to consult with a dentist and receive specific pricing information. Note that prompt treatment for gingivitis is essential upon detecting symptoms to prevent tooth loss; the treatment cost will be higher if the condition progresses and becomes more severe.

Note for Individuals with Gingivitis

Gingivitis is prone to recurrence. Therefore, it is essential to first treat and eliminate the bacteria causing inflammation. Subsequently, maintaining a good daily oral care routine is crucial. Specific recommendations include:

  1. Keep oral hygiene by brushing teeth properly and regularly, at least twice a day.
  2. Schedule regular dental check-ups every 6 months for examination and advice from a dentist.
  3. Limit consumption of sugary, oily, and hard-to-chew foods that stick to the teeth.
  4. Stay hydrated, avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption.
  5. Establish a balanced diet rich in green vegetables, fruits, and vitamins.
  6. Engage in regular physical exercise, and manage stress and fatigue.
  7. Use dental protection measures such as dental floss, gum massaging tools, etc.
  8. Attend dental check-ups regularly and seek professional advice if any abnormalities are noticed in oral health.
các cách điều tr?sưng nướu răng hàm trên tại nhà
Some considerations when treating gingivitis

Thus, detecting and treating gingivitis early can help prevent complications and safeguard oral health. Take good care of your oral hygiene and protect your teeth!

Frequently Asked Questions about Gingivitis

Is gingivitis dangerous?

Yes, if left untreated, gingivitis can lead to serious complications such as tooth loss, inflammation of the tooth socket, or bloodstream infection. Therefore, early treatment is essential to prevent complications.

Can gingivitis be cured?

Yes, if detected and treated early, gingivitis can be completely cured. However, it tends to recur if good oral care is not maintained.

Is gingivitis contagious?

The bacteria causing the disease can be transmitted through oral contact, such as sharing personal items, or through fluids in the mouth, such as saliva, blood, or fluids from gum wounds.

How is gingivitis treated in children?

Children should be taken to a specialized dentist for examination and appropriate treatment. Parents should help children maintain clean oral hygiene and ensure they have a balanced diet to enhance immunity.

Can pregnant women be treated for gingivitis?

Pregnant women can still be treated for gingivitis with medication and safe measures such as mouthwash and oral cleaning. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor for advice on appropriate and safe treatment during pregnancy.

How is gingivitis around wisdom teeth treated?

Wisdom teeth often lack space to grow or cannot emerge from the jawbone. In such cases, bacteria can easily accumulate in this empty space, leading to cavities, inflammation, and swelling around the wisdom teeth.

Cách điều tr?sưng nướu răng trong cùng

To treat inflammation around wisdom teeth, it’s necessary to visit a dental clinic for examination and diagnosis of the gum and wisdom teeth condition. The dentist will then recommend an appropriate treatment method. In mild cases, extracting the wisdom tooth may be suggested to alleviate discomfort.

For severe inflammation, anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing measures may be employed. After the infection subsides, the dentist may advise removing the wisdom tooth to prevent the risk of recurrence.


Gingivitis around wisdom teeth is a common dental issue that can significantly impact oral health if not treated promptly and correctly. To prevent gingivitis, individuals should pay attention to maintaining proper and clean oral hygiene.

When experiencing unusual symptoms such as pain around wisdom teeth, gingivitis with pus, or swollen and inflamed gums, it’s crucial to consult a dentist promptly for examination and appropriate treatment. Early treatment of gingivitis helps prevent dangerous complications and ensures long-term oral health.

We hope this information helps readers recognize early signs of gingivitis and encourages them to plan for timely dental check-ups and treatment. For any inquiries, please contact the Hotline: (+84) 986.43.82.86 for more detailed and personalized assistance.

Gum Inflammation – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/dental-implantation-in-the-homeland-top-5-considerations-for-vietnamese-overseas-customers/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 03:33:16 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=18020 “Aunt, Uncle, Brothers, and Sisters from abroad choose to have dental implants in their homeland to save costs three times less than treatment abroad, with equivalent quality. However, to have a successful dental treatment trip back to the homeland, according to the planned schedule, Aunt, Uncle, Brothers, and Sisters should not overlook the following important...

Dental Implantation in the Homeland – Top 5 Considerations for Vietnamese Overseas Customers on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

“Aunt, Uncle, Brothers, and Sisters from abroad choose to have dental implants in their homeland to save costs three times less than treatment abroad, with equivalent quality. However, to have a successful dental treatment trip back to the homeland, according to the planned schedule, Aunt, Uncle, Brothers, and Sisters should not overlook the following important considerations.”

v?nước trồng răng

5 Benefits of Getting Dental Implants in the Homeland

The demand for dental treatments among Vietnamese overseas residents has been steadily increasing in recent times. Below are some reasons why many people consider choosing Vietnam for dental implantation instead of getting dental work done abroad:

Affordable Prices: Dental implants in Vietnam often come with lower costs compared to many other developed countries. This can help you save money while still receiving high-quality treatment without the hefty price tag.

Medical Quality: Vietnam boasts many skilled dental implant specialists with years of experience, adept at using modern medical equipment and employing advanced dental implant techniques. Numerous reputable dental clinics in Vietnam meet international standards, providing the best possible experience for patients.

Dental Implantation – A Service of Great Interest to Expatriates Returning for Dental Work in the Home Country

Diverse Dental Services: Vietnam offers a variety of choices for dental implants, porcelain veneers, and other tooth replacement methods. This means you can select the method that best suits your needs and personal budget.

Language and Culture: Vietnamese dentists understand the psychology, aesthetic preferences, and needs of people from East Asia. Additionally, you will experience the diverse and interesting cultural environment of Vietnam.

Support from Loved Ones after Treatment: In case you need support from family or friends, getting dental treatment in your homeland can make it easier for you to access care and support from your loved ones during the treatment process.

With all these reasons, getting dental implants in the homeland is a smart and effective choice for those who want to enhance the appearance and function of their teeth efficiently at a reasonable cost. With a combination of high expertise, reasonable costs, and aesthetic considerations, Vietnam is becoming an ideal destination for those who want to have a perfect and confident smile.

5 Considerations When Returning to the Homeland for Dental Implants

Seeking dental treatment in the homeland brings numerous benefits for overseas Vietnamese patients. However, for a successful dental implantation trip, it’s essential for individuals to consider the following issues:

Treatment Duration

Many overseas Vietnamese have limited time for their stay in Vietnam, often just a few weeks. Therefore, scheduling the treatment at a suitable time is a significant concern. To avoid time constraints, overseas Vietnamese patients can contact the dental clinic in advance via email or WhatsApp for consultation on the treatment plan and the required time for dental implantation. This helps in organizing the most appropriate schedule for the trip back to Vietnam.

Dental Implant Costs in Vietnam

The costs of dental implants and porcelain veneers in Vietnam are typically lower than those in foreign countries. To have financial control, overseas customers should seek transparent dental clinics that provide upfront information about treatment costs.

Warranty Policies and Post-Treatment Support

For overseas customers, warranty policies often include special support and care services. Dental clinics may offer assistance with accommodation, transportation, interpretation, and guidance on local culture to help customers easily integrate into the new environment.

Dentist’s Expertise

Choosing a dentist specialized in dental implants, restorative dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry is crucial for favorable results and avoiding complications in the future. Before returning to the homeland for dental implants, individuals can research information about skilled Maxillofacial surgeons in Vietnam to make an informed choice based on their needs.


Clear communication is vital for a successful dental implantation experience. Patients should ensure effective communication with the dental clinic regarding treatment plans, expectations, and any concerns they may have. This helps establish a mutual understanding and ensures a smoother treatment process.

In summary, returning to the homeland for dental implants is a wise and effective choice, providing individuals with an opportunity to enhance their dental aesthetics and functionality at a reasonable cost. With careful consideration of these factors, Vietnam is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for those seeking a perfect and confident smile.

Choosing a Reliable Dental Clinic for Dental Implants

The success of a dental implantation trip back to the homeland largely depends on the dental clinic selected by individuals. Therefore, seeking a reputable dental clinic that meets all legal requirements, including operating licenses, practitioners with professional certifications, and specialized training certificates for dental implants, is crucial. This ensures a reduced risk and provides the best possible experience for patients. This will help mitigate risks and ensure the best experience for patients.

Dental Implantation Address for Overseas Vietnamese Returning for Dental Treatment

Saigon Dental Implant Clinic – A leading and reputable dental implantation address in Ho Chi Minh City.

Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic is a leading and reputable dental clinic in Ho Chi Minh City. The clinic is home to experts at the forefront of Maxillofacial Dentistry, dental implantation, and cosmetic restorations. With over 20 years of experience, the clinic is a preferred choice for many local and international clients.

The services offered at Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic, particularly full-mouth dental implantation and cosmetic porcelain dental restorations, have attracted the attention of numerous clients from abroad and Vietnamese expatriates from countries such as Australia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan. This is attributed to the clinic’s possession of five strengths that are rarely found in dental clinics throughout Vietnam.

nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
Saigon Implant Dental Clinic

The dental clinic boasts a team of leading Maxillofacial Dentistry specialists with over 20 years of experience. The dental implantation and cosmetic restoration practitioners hold certifications in dental implantation and aesthetic restorations from the Implant Institute. Prominent names in the team include Dr. CKI Cang Hong Thai, Dr. CKI Le Ngoc Quynh, Dr. CKI Tran Thi My Nga, Dr. CKI Le Thi Hien, among others.

The dentists have a profound understanding of the Vietnamese mindset and provide consultations on designing the shape and color of teeth that complement the skin tone and facial features of East Asian individuals.

Bác sĩ Răng Hàm Mặt
The Team of Experts at Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic

The dentists at Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic are always ready to serve customers at any time. Additionally, the clinic and its practitioners accommodate the schedules of Vietnamese expatriates when they visit Vietnam for tourism or to visit relatives. This flexibility allows individuals to seamlessly combine their dental cosmetic procedures with their travel plans.

Transparent Pricing

The dental clinic offers comprehensive services with no unexpected additional fees during the treatment process. This clinic also provides more budget-friendly pricing compared to many other dental facilities in Vietnam, thanks to various attractive discount programs.

With superior service quality and the potential to save up to three times the cost compared to other countries, Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic is an ideal choice for those seeking high-quality dental treatments while being mindful of their financial considerations.

Service Cost (VND) Unit
Single Implant 13.500.000 – 34.200.000 Per Tooth
Full-mouth Implant 126.900.000 – 269.100.000 Full Mouth
Porcelain Crown 1.400.000 – 6.000.000 Per Tooth

Optimized Treatment Plan in Terms of Time

The clinic optimizes the treatment process, providing swift dental services that save time and minimize waiting periods. For instance, the All On X implantation and cosmetic porcelain dental restoration process can be completed within a timeframe ranging from 3 to 7 days. This is a key strength that attracts overseas Vietnamese to choose Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic, as it offers time efficiency and precise scheduling for customers.

To further save time, doctors remotely prescribe treatment plans for customers. This allows individuals to take a more proactive approach to their dental implantation plans.

Utilizing Advanced Dental Technology

Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic delivers superior dental implantation services, using 100% premium imported materials. This modern dental clinic adheres to European standards and invests in state-of-the-art machinery and facilities, utilizing top-quality imported materials. This ensures that the dental services provided here are on par with those in the United States, Germany, Australia, and other countries

Equipment and Machinery

When customers come to Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic for dental implantation, they will receive detailed consultations on top-tier imported implant brands, including Nobel Biocare, Neodent, Superline, and Straumann.

For those opting for cosmetic porcelain dental services, such as veneers, they will be advised on the use of the latest 3D CAD/CAM technology and high-quality ceramics like Zirconia, Cercon HT, Lava Plus, Veneer Emax Press, etc. These are all premium ceramic materials highly favored in the field of cosmetic dentistry at international dental centers.

Customer Policies

Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic commits to providing long-term warranties of up to 20 years for both dental implantation and cosmetic porcelain dental services. Particularly, customers have the privilege to inspect the origin and labels of materials before the dentist proceeds with dental implantation or porcelain dental work.

The clinic offers appointment scheduling, free check-ups, and consultations, including complimentary dental X-rays. This is an exclusive benefit for customers, encouraging everyone to prioritize their oral health and facilitating convenient access to dental appointments without concerns about examination fees.

Overseas Vietnamese Patients Returning to Vietnam for Dental Implants at Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic

Over the course of more than 20 years in operation, Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic takes pride in being a leading and reputable dental facility in Vietnam. With a successful track record, over 8,000 overseas Vietnamese and international customers have undergone dental treatments here.

Below are some images of customers who have returned to Vietnam for dental treatments at the dental clinic. The transformation in their smiles marks a new beginning, providing additional motivation for Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic’s customers to live healthier and happier lives with each passing day.

Trồng răng implant toàn hàm
Full-mouth Implant
khách hàng Việt kiều đã làm răng tại Nha Khoa SG
Overseas Vietnamese customers who have had dental work done at SG Dental Clinic.

Many overseas Vietnamese customers have happily shared their experiences with dental treatments at Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic. Below are some testimonials from customers who have undergone dental implantation and porcelain dental work at the clinic.



Customer Reviews

Sai Gon Dental Implant Clinic has achieved a rating of 4.9/5 stars on Google Reviews, with numerous positive feedback and praise. 100% of customers express satisfaction with the treatment results and are willing to recommend the clinic to friends and family in need.

Here are some reviews that serve as clear evidence of the clinic’s reputation and service quality.

review nha khoa trồng răng implant
Review of the Dental Implant Clinic

With the information provided, it is hoped that you will have a successful dental implantation journey, just as expected. For consultation, appointment scheduling, or remote planning, please contact us via Email: [email protected] or Hotline: 0986.43.82.86 for the quickest support!

Dental Implantation in the Homeland – Top 5 Considerations for Vietnamese Overseas Customers on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/feedback-and-complaints-policy/ Fri, 10 Nov 2023 09:47:58 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=17945 Saigon Implant Dental Center is always ready to receive and address any customer complaints related to the services provided via the hotline 0986 438 286. To expedite the resolution process, customers are kindly requested to clearly state the current situation and issues they are facing. Based on the provided information, cross-referencing with medical records, signed...

Feedback and Complaints Policy on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Saigon Implant Dental Center is always ready to receive and address any customer complaints related to the services provided via the hotline 0986 438 286.

Chính sách giải quyết khiếu nại tại nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
Chính sách giải quyết khiếu nại tại nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn

To expedite the resolution process, customers are kindly requested to clearly state the current situation and issues they are facing. Based on the provided information, cross-referencing with medical records, signed agreements (if any), the necessary conclusions will be drawn.

The maximum time for resolving complaints is 03 (three) working days from the receipt of the customer’s complaint. All negotiation and issue resolution are based on mutual agreement and respect, following the legal regulations.

In cases where the complaint exceeds the resolution capabilities of both parties, the matter will be referred to the competent state authority for resolution.

For any assistance related to warranty, customers can contact Saigon Implant Dental Center via the hotline or website.

Feedback and Complaints Policy on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/warranty-policy/ Fri, 10 Nov 2023 09:46:19 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=17941 With the motto “Reputation – Quality – Devotion,” Trong Rang Dental Clinic SG always ensures optimal benefits for customers using our dental services. This commitment is reflected in clear and specific warranty policies for each service. Warranty Application for Services SERVICE WARRANTY PERIOD Răng Implant Long-term support Porcelain Teeth Metal Standard 3 years Titanium 3...

Warranty Policy on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

With the motto “Reputation – Quality – Devotion,” Trong Rang Dental Clinic SG always ensures optimal benefits for customers using our dental services. This commitment is reflected in clear and specific warranty policies for each service.

Chính sách bảo hành nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
Chính sách bảo hành nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn

Warranty Application for Services

Răng Implant Long-term support
Porcelain Teeth Metal Standard 3 years
Titanium 3 years
All-ceramic Ddbio 5 years
Zirconia Lava Plus 20 years

For these services, customers are kindly requested to bring the warranty card.

Saigon Implant Dental Center applies genuine warranties (for porcelain teeth, Implant) and provides warranty support from the dental clinic. The warranty details, regulations, and conditions are clearly stated on the warranty card and accompanying documents.

Phiếu bảo hành nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
Phiếu bảo hành nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn

Warranty Conditions:

  • Being a customer using products and services of Saigon Implant Dental Center.
  • The warranty card is still valid, intact, not erased, or altered.
  • The information on the card matches the customer data at Saigon Implant Dental Center.
  • Conducting follow-up examinations, taking X-rays as scheduled (if any).
  • Performing at-home dental care according to the dentist’s instructions.
  • In case a customer loses the card, if the customer can be identified as Saigon Implant Dental Center’s customer and satisfies the warranty conditions, the customer will still be entitled to the warranty according to the policy.

Cases not covered by the warranty:

  • Expired warranty period.
  • Cases that do not ensure oral hygiene (smoking, improper oral hygiene…).
  • Cases not following the scheduled follow-up examinations.
  • Cases where new diseases affecting the oral condition appear after the treatment at the clinic (diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer radiation therapy, epilepsy, teeth grinding…).
  • Cases of injury due to accidents, sports, or other reasons.
  • Cases of natural tooth or dental decay.
  • Cases of previous treatments not performed by Saigon Implant Dental Center.
  • Cases where patients want to change the treatment results compared to the agreed-upon plan with the previous dentist.
  • Cases of treatment based on patient requests, even if the dentist warned that the teeth might loosen, break, or not be durable.
  • Cases with the intervention of another doctor before returning to the dental clinic.
  • Cases caused intentionally by the customer.

Contact Information for Consultation Services

If you have any unclear issues regarding the warranty policy and warranty support at Saigon Implant Dental Center, please feel free to contact Saigon Implant Dental Center directly through the Hotline 0986.43.82.86 or visit the dental clinic for consultation:


? class= Address: 470-472 Le Hong Phong, Ward 1, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City

  • Phone: (028) 6686 9386
  • Hotline: 0986.43.82.86 (with Zalo, Viber)
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website: //hao0317.com/
  • Facebook: FB.com/trongrang.nhakhoa


  • Monday ?Saturday: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
  • Sunday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Warranty Policy on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn //hao0317.com/payment-policy/ Fri, 10 Nov 2023 09:39:57 +0000 //hao0317.com/?p=17937 To provide our valued customers with the most comprehensive dental services, Saigon Implant Dental Center offers three payment methods for easy selection. Payment Methods Customers at Saigon Implant Dental Center can choose from three payment options: CASH, CARD, BANK TRANSFER. Cash Payment Pay directly at Saigon Implant Dental Center. Customers will receive an invoice and...

Payment Policy on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.

To provide our valued customers with the most comprehensive dental services, Saigon Implant Dental Center offers three payment methods for easy selection.

Chính sách thanh toán nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
Chính sách thanh toán nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn

Payment Methods

Customers at Saigon Implant Dental Center can choose from three payment options: CASH, CARD, BANK TRANSFER.

Các hình thức thanh toán nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn
Các hình thức thanh toán nha khoa trồng răng sài gòn

Cash Payment

Pay directly at Saigon Implant Dental Center.

Customers will receive an invoice and relevant documents.

Debit/Credit Card Payment

Card payment directly at Saigon Implant Dental Center.

Customers will receive an invoice and relevant documents.

Note: In the case of card payment, customers may incur fees.

Bank Transfer Payment

Customers are required to transfer money to the account of CANG HONG THAI at SACOMBANK – Ho Chi Minh City branch, using the following information:

Account Number: 060035791755

Bank: SACOMBANK – Chi nhánh TPHCM

Account Holder: CANG HỒNG THÁI

Note: To minimize errors in the payment information reception and management process, customers are requested to include the following details in the transfer message: Customer Name – Service – Phone Number.

Payment Policies for Each Service

Depending on the service and agreement with Saigon Implant Dental Center, customers can choose to pay the entire fee at once or in installments.

Full Payment

Applicable to all services completed in a single appointment and services that do not support two-stage payments or installment payments.

2-Installment Payment

Only applicable to Implant services, North Bridge porcelain dental implant services, aesthetic porcelain dental implant services, and orthodontic services.

Service Details Payment Schedule
Implant Service Installment 1: Pay 70% of the total service fee on the day of placing the implant.

Installment 2: Pay the remaining 30% on the day of completing the placement of porcelain teeth.

Porcelain Bridge Service Installment 1: Pay 50% of the total service fee on the day of grinding teeth and taking impressions.

Installment 2: Pay the remaining 50% on the day of completing the placement of porcelain teeth.

Porcelain Crown Service Installment 1: Pay 50% of the total service fee on the day of grinding teeth and taking impressions.

Installment 2: Pay the remaining 50% on the day of completing the placement of porcelain teeth.

Orthodontic Service Installment 1: Pay 70% of the total service fee on the day of attaching braces.

Installment 2: Pay the remaining 30% on the day of removing braces.


Payment Policy on Nha Khoa Trồng Răng Sài Gòn.
